Chapter 62

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Rosie ended up closing the cabaret early to deal with the brief crisis that had taken place. She didn't mind though, and she felt that taking care of Beth was more important than her business. She ran her a bath, gave her some pajamas to wear, decided to set things straight and get some answers before sending her off to bed.

"You are to never do anything like that again." Rosie said in a firm but gentle tone. "You really scared me back there, and your brother. That's why he was so angry with you. Do you understand that?"

"Yes." Beth answered.

"Alastor loves you very much and he tries very hard to take care of you. If you had died, it would have destroyed him."

"I know." She said regretfully. "I don't mean to cause trouble."

They were sitting on a guest bed with Rosie behind Beth and carefully combing out her hair with a brush.

"So do you wanna tell me why you just ran out into the street without thinking?" She asked.

Beth was quiet for one minute before she could give an answer.

"Yvonne broke the comb you gave me. The one that belonged to Mom."

"I see, and Yvonne is who?"

"A girl in my marine biology class. She's always saying that I'm ugly and she got some other girls to say it too. She said that the comb was too pretty to be worn but someone like and that I'd never be beautiful like Mom."

"Oh dear." Rosie said. "Girls can be very nasty."

"I just don't understand what her problem with me is. Am I really that ugly?"

"Hey, you are not ugly."

Beth just pouted. Rosie lifted her chin up.

"Look at me, you are not ugly."

"Then why do they say I am?"

"Because that's what people will do. They'll say mean things even if they're true or not. And I promise you, what that nasty little girl said about you is definitely not true. Now tell me, just how long has she be picking on you?"

"From day one."

"Does Alastor know about this?"

"I didn't tell him. I didn't want him to worry and...I didn't think he'd understand. He doesn't know what it's like to have people act like there's something wrong with you."

"Beth I wasn't around when Alastor was growing up but I can honestly say that he knows exactly how that feels. When he was a child there was a man who would be so cruel to him. He would hurt Alastor out of pleasure and constantly made him feel like he was nothing. It was almost like he'd wake up in the morning and try to think of ways to torment him."

"Your talking about my father, right?" Beth asked bitterly.

Rosie hesitated before answering.

"You don't have to keep his identity a secret. I know what kind of man he was. I know what he did to Al and I know what he did to Mom."

"So Alastor did tell you?"

"Yes. It wasn't easy for him, but he told me. He was always scared that when I learned the truth, I'd feel ashamed."

"I understand, but there is nothing for you to be ashamed of. The kind of man your father was, has no effect on who you are."

"Do you know what kind of things he did to Alastor?"

"I never witnessed it first hand but I've heard stories."

"Could you tell them to me?"

"I don't know if I should. I think it might be a bit much for you."

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