Chapter 73

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After Alastor left the house, Charlie decided that a walk on the beach would be just lovely on a morning like this. But she had to be careful where she stepped because the ground had been left soaking wet and muddy from the hurricane last night. A serene smile was on her face as she took off her shoes and treaded along the sandy shores, gazing upon the sun rising above the horizon. In that moment she felt blissful and full filled, she felt complete. She felt as though she had found a part of herself that she didn't even know was missing. Was this what being in love felt like?

Suddenly her peace was disturbed when she heard the sound of voices singing sorrowfully over the waters. Voices that were beautiful but haunting, capable of leading whoever heard it to a terrible demise. But she also heard an incredible sadness laced with that frightening tune. She recognized the song without needing to think, and she followed it to the singers. To both her instant fear and joy, she saw her sisters rise up to the surface arm in arm.

She was afraid of how they would react once they found out what Charlie had been doing. She was also scared of what they might do and why they were here. Had they come to take her home? What would they do to Alastor and Beth when they learned about them? Yet at the same time, she was so happy to see them. While half of older sisters could be bullies toward her, she knew all five of them loved her dearly and for all their faults, they had never gone as far as their father had when it came to their disapproval of her fascination with humanity. Helena and Aurora in particular has always been especially kind and warm, though Helena could be bossy.

"Helena, Beatrice, Evelyn, Delilah, Aurora, what are you all doing here?"

When the five mermaids saw their youngest sister with human legs, they became horrified and feared the worst.

"Charlotte! What have you done?!" Aurora practically shrieked.

"She's taken the sea witch's potion!" Helena cried out. "We're too late! It's happening again! We've lost her!"

"No wait! I can explain!" Charlie moving closer to them, but careful not to let her feet touch the flowing water. "This form is only temporary, whenever I get wet my tail will return."

"How is that possible?" Beatrice asked. "Once you took the sea witch's potion, you should be unable to ever become a mermaid again."

"Not if I didn't take the whole potion. I only took one swallow. I can still come back to the sea."

The mermaids anxiously looked up Charlie's bare feet. They were completely white and clear. Not one sign of blood or blisters or scars.

"Your human feet do not bleed." Evelyn said observantly. "Are you not in constant pain whenever you walk?"

"No." Charlie said looking confused. "Why would I be?"

Her sisters started whispering among each other, then they sent their eldest sister to demand answers.

"What has happened here?" Helena said.

"Well first of all, I'd like to know, how do you all find me?" Charlie asked.

"It was a hard trial, but not an impossible one." Beatrice said.

"I can't believe you came all the way from the Southern Oceans and the West Waters of Denmark to this place." Delilah said. "And why here? American humans are by far the most crude, careless, and ugly."

"They are not ugly!" Charlie argued.

"Charlotte what have you been doing?" Helena said. "And you better tell us the truth or we'll get Mother and Father involved."

"Are they here?" Charlie said getting a little pnaicked.

"No." Aurora said. "They don't even know we're here."

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