"Jaemin, I don't feel......don't feel comfortable." Taehyung voiced out but Jaemin scoffed.

"That's what boyfriends do Taehyung, do you not like affection? I thought you would like this? I was making this date special for you." Jaemin said a bit harshly as Taehyung flinched.

He didn't like the roughness of his voice.

"Sorry, none of my dates did this before." Taehyung whispered but Jaemin heard.

"They were shit, every boyfriend does this." He said as he moved his hands further.

"O-Okay, sorry I didn't know." Taehyung said as they made it to their destination.

Do boyfriends really do that? Why did I feel uncomfortable?

Am I wrong to feel uncomfortable?

Gosh am I weird?

Taehyung shook his thoughts away as they entered the fancy restaurant.

It wasn't Taehyung's style but he was fine with it. You have to give you some things to be in a relationship.

"Anything you like?" Jaemin asks, as Taehyung looks at the menu.

Most of them were boring to Taehyung, where was the weird foods? The unique foods.

"I like the spaghetti." He said as Jaemin just tsk at him making Taehyung feel small.

"That's messy, take the salad instead." He said as Taehyung was speechless.


"Good evening, do you know what drink you want?" The server asks, getting his mini tablet.

"Yes, soju and a glass of water." Jaemin says as Taehyung looks at the table.

He actually wanted any of the fizzy drinks but he knows Jaemin would have a say. Probably saying that fizzy drinks were for kids not grown adults.

"Do you know what you want for your meal?" The server asks as Jaemin hummed.

"A salad and an American cheese burger with garlic chips in the side." Jaemin says as Taehyung stared at the man in shock.

"Alright!" The server says and walked away.

"Why....Why can't I order my first order?" Taehyung asks as Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"Cause it's messy, and I don't want my date to be fat." He said as Taehyung looks down feeling embarrassed.

"But....why can you order a filling dish but I can't?" Taehyung asks, still staring at the table.

"Because I work out to burn the fat off, looking at you," he says, looking up and down at Taehyung's body making Taehyung feel self conscious.

"You don't work out." He assumed.

He was a liar, Taehyung does work out, but not extreme workouts. Just stretches and squats. He is also starting to do some arm workouts.

"I do workout." Taehyung muttered but Jaemin heard.

"You shouldn't be speaking back to me and don't lie to me." Jaemin said as their drinks came.

Taehyung stared at the water and then he then looks over at his phone, Jimin was texting him.

Sweet diminie 💛: is everything okay? You having fun?

Taehyung smiled, seeing Jimin texting him genuinely made him happy, not Jaemin, but Jimin.

Taehyung : yep, I'm having fun! Thank you for checking up on me 💕

Sweet diminie 💛: of course! I don't want to disturb you further, text me when your date is over! ily 🤟

Taehyung almost laughed, he wasn't expecting that emoji from Jimin, it was usually his thing to send that kind of emoji.

But he didn't want Jimin to stop talking, right now he is making this date bearable and he isn't even dating him.

Taehyung : okay I will! ily🤟

"Who are you texting? You aren't meant to be on your phone during our date that's fucking rude." Jaemin slashes out making Taehyung flinch.

"Sorry, I was texting Jimin, he wanted to know if I'm okay." Taehyung says and he notice that Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"Ignore him, it won't effect him if you don't text back." Jaemin says.

Taehyung couldn't ignore Jimin, he always text him back, and he isn't stopping anytime soon.

Soon their food came.

A/N - here is a long chapter after me being away for some time, been busy doing shit but I'll try and post often since I'm going to college in 3 weeks.

But I'll still try and post when I am in college since I'm only in for 3 days.


Stay healthy, stay safe, stay kind to others and yourself, and stay loving yourself!

I purple you all!

🎶Do what you want as long as you stay here
I need you now, I love you so much, more than you could know the Christmas kids were nothing but a gift and love is a tower where all of us can live, you'll change your name or change your mind and leave this fucked up place behind🎶

Song - Christmas Kids
Artist - Roar (2019)
[Fun fact about the author - she likes learning history with Hollywood or Disney shit, so when I found out this song was based on a true story I digged deep to find what happened and then finding out I actually liked some of The Ronettes]

~you nice, keep going.~ - Park Jimin💛 (2018)

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