Curiosity killed the... human?!

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Ian gave a loud sigh. “I guess you saw…” He began, only to say: “Whatever, better not talk about it out here, I guess we have to take you with us back home, my father will want to have a word with you. He can explain… and decide what to do with you next.” He ended as an afterthought.

‘What to do with me next?! OMG, I’m so dead!’


“Anne, hey Anne!” I focused my attention back to Ian. “I asked you, if you were alone out here.” Should I tell him? Wouldn’t it be to my advantage to say I wasn’t alone? But who could I say was with me? What if I had to pick out a random person back on the trail and they would hurt that person, too? No, better tell the truth this time then. But before I could utter a word Ian said to the others: “Looks like she’s alone, but we better make sure. Duncan, go take a swift look around.” He ordered. The black wolf took a sniff in my direction, then trotted around sniffing now and then and vanished out of sight between the trees behind me. ‘Of course Duncan’s a wolf, too. He’s one of Ian’s best friends, kind of makes you wonder who the others are…’ I glanced at the gray/black and the auburn one.

Duncan came back then and they did that mind talking again. Next thing I knew, he turned towards where they all first came from and vanished a second time. Ian must have seen my questioning look. “Duncan’s going to fetch our clothes, looks like we’re going to walk home.”

We didn’t have to wait long, after an awkward minute or two Duncan came running back with a huge pack of clothes between his teeth. He laid them on the ground and the wolves all turned back into their human forms. I quickly turned around facing the trees. When the rustling of clothes stopped I shyly turned back around, looking at the boys who were now all wearing jeans or shorts and t-shirts.

I recognised the two other boys as Toby and Nate. Toby’s auburn fringe was falling over his left eye (it was weird seeing his hair without it being gelled), while Nate’s dark blond hair seemed lighter thanks to the last rays of sunshine. Seeing as Duncan had dark brown hair the myth about the fur colour matching the hair colour in human form seemed to be pretty close to the truth, however not fully true. But then, how many teenagers do you know with silver or white hair? But it was close, after all Ian’s grey fur had a patch of blond in it and Duncan did have dark brown hair, not black, but close enough.

“Well then, let’s go.” Ian said. He seemed to be the head of their group. He gently, but firmly, wrapped a hand around my right upper arm when I didn’t move and tucked me along saying: “Come on, if we wanted to bite you we already would have.”

I snorted. “It’s not as comforting as you think it sounds.” But I trotted along nevertheless.

It was getting darker and darker now and it was becoming harder for me to see where I was going. Every now and then I would stumble, but Ian always held me upright. The boys seemed to have no problems with the darker surroundings.

I came up with a mental check list of what I knew about werewolves, well what I thought I knew anyway.

Mind talking - check.

Fur colour matches hair colour – close check.

Heightened senses - check. I mean, the whole sniffing around and having no problems seeing in the dim twilight showed that, right?

And from what I saw earlier, fast healing - also check. I’m pretty sure being thrown into a tree hurts.

This was kinda interesting when you got past the shock, I was getting curious which other myths were also true. Maybe I had a soul mate amongst them? ‘Yeah right, dream on Anne.’

We finally arrived at the edge of the forest and I could see Nell’s house. Her family lived on the quiet street directly outside the forest with only a couple of neighbouring houses. Werewolves living at the edge of the forest? Wow this was so cliché.

I could see where I was walking again thanks to the street lights and the lights from inside the Grover house.

We walked up the porch stairs and through the front door. Ian then let go of my arm. I had been here before many times, when we had to do a school project together or just to hang out with Nell; but now I saw the house in a new light. I had been sitting in close proximity to real werewolves without knowing. Why didn’t Nell ever tell me? She wouldn’t think I’d tell someone, would she? Or did she want to, but was never allowed? I promised myself to grill her about this the next time I saw her, which considering I was at her home could very well be soon.

“Ian, is that you?” A female voice called from the direction of the kitchen.

“Yeah and I brought the boys and a…um…guest.”

“A guest?” I saw Nell’s mum’s head pop out the kitchen door. “Oh, hi Anne, long time no see. Are you going to stay for dinner, dear? Nell’s upstairs in her bedroom.”

“Err mum, have you seen dad?” Ian asked.

“He’s in the study. Dinner’s ready in less than an hour. I hope you like lasagne Anne.”

“Mum, I’m not sure Anne will be here for dinner, she’s not here to see Nell.” The younger Grover brother said.

“What do you mean that’s not why she’s here, Ben?” Mrs. Grover frowned.

“We picked her up in the woods Mrs. G, she kinda saw us… fooling around.” Duncan piped in.

Mrs. Grover looked confused. “Fooling around?” A worried look then spread about her face and she looked at me again, looking sad. “Oh my.”

“Come on, let’s go see my dad.” Ian said and after I took off my shoes (the guys weren’t wearing any, naturally) we trotted along the hall towards a door in the rear of the house.

Ian knocked and almost immediately a male voice answered. “Come in.”

Ian pushed down the handle and opened the door slowly. I suddenly felt nervous again, all curiosity gone. 


Sorry for making you guys wait, but I was busy (still am). I'm not sure, if I'll be able to post another chapter before Easter (which is in two weeks, so it's not that far away). Maybe I'll sit down between studying to get my mind off it for a while, so I'll write than.

Btw, I was considering using another dish after the horse meat scandal here in Europe (sometimes, you don't believe we have some of the tightest regulations in the world when stuff like this happens -.-), but then I decided to just stick with it. You can just imagine she bought her minced meat from a local butcher, who get's his meat from local farmers ^^

I'm dedicating this story to Kirsty, because in my eyes (and those of many more) she's one of the most talented persons here on wattpad. I LOVE her books, if you haven't read them yet, go do it. Do it now! ^^ Seriously though, all her stories are amazing, but my favourite really is "Enjoying The Chase", it's one of the best stories I've ever read in my life (and I've read many books), I can't count how many times I've reread that story ^^

That's Duncan to the right and when you click on external link that's Toby. They're all so yummy! Wait till next chapter where I'll show you Nell and Nate!

Edit: Warning! Apparently the link is too long for the external link space, so if you click it, you have to add a "g" at the end, so it says "jpg", otherwise the photobucket site won't be found! I'm posting the correct link down there in the comments as well now, so you can click it, it's easier that way.

Btw, I'm totally psyched about more than 9,600 reads! You guys rock! Keep the votes, comments and fanning coming ;D

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