He pointed at me, "No- bill I'm sorry!" I say, I really was. Idk what was going through me. "Don't tell me what Tom. Tell her!" He said pointing at Regan, grabbing her throat softly and trying to hold back tears. "Regan I- I'm so so sorry.." I said. - No response - I was standing there waiting for one. About 20 seconds pass and he opens her mouth.


"It's okay tom." I said, coughing a little bit after. Bill looked at me. "WHAT?! Why? AFTER WHAT HE DID TO YOU?!" Bill raised his voice and came closer to me. I scooted back, not wanting him to touch or hit me. Everyone had shock in their eyes, even George. I laughed a little, it was silly to see all their shocked faces. "Yep. It's alright Tom. Nothing new anyways." I said standing up. In a more clear voice. I went to hug him, he stood there, not hugging back. Then I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up.


We all stood there in shock. "There is definitely something wrong with her.." I heard George say.


We were all sitting down on the couch. We were going to book Regan therapy sessions. Just until she got a better. She walked out of the bathroom with a crop top on and shorts. We were all looking at her, she giggled. I wonder why her moods are changing so fast. In serious situations this this. She had a big smile plastered on her face. And plopped down on the couch next to Gustav. "What's so serious??" She said still smiling. We looked at her and I shook my head. "Ohhh.. can we go to the beach! Or the mall! I want to get new shoes!! PLEASEEE!" She was acting like nothing happened to her, I mean I'm glad to see her happy, But it was weird. We all exchanged weird looks. "No we can't Regan.." I say sighing after. "WHAT?! WHY?! I want too! Fuck y'all." She said, why was she acting like a kid? This is so weird. "Regan are you okay?" Gustav asked. She gave him a -do I look okay- look. "NO. I wanna go to the mall, but these bitches won't let me."

We all were so confused and worried for her. But it was getting dark so the boys left and me and Regan slept in the guest bedroom because she kinda broke ours.


I wanted to go to the mall but they didn't let me. Fuckers. They ended up leaving like 10 or 15 minutes after. Then we went to sleep in the guest room cuz I ruined it😊 I sat down on the bed, waiting for bill because he was brushing his teeth. He came back in and saw me messing with my hands.  Then looked at my arm and wrist. "Regan what are those?" He said referring to the scars. "Oh uhh- you know just... just idk.." GOSH WHY DID I MAKE IT OBVIOUS AHHG! "D- oh no... really?" He asked getting closer and sitting next to me. His hair wet from the shower, dripping on the bed. "Why Regan..?" He said, his voice cracking. "I- idk.." I knew but did not want him to. "You can tell me, please." I felt bad that Tom knew but he did not. "Uhh- so I kinda wanted to die. So I broke a mirror and... yeah." I said. He gently picked up my arm, and planted soft kissed on them, it felt good, his warm lips against my cold arm. A tear ran down his cheek. He lifted up and looked at me. "Promise me you won't do this again.." I did not respond. "Please.."  he said. "Okay. I promise." I said. I can't tell if I was lying or not. But I would try, for bill. "Okay." He said softly then laying down beside me. "Oh uhh- we are going to book you a therapy appointment tomorrow at 3:30 so please get some sleep. I nodded, I did not want to go. But it is what it is. I felt my stomach growling. I'm sure bill did to. I held it trying to keep it quiet even though that's not how it works. "You still haven't eaten?" Bill asks kinda disappointed. "Yeah..." I say. "Let's go eat then. We can cook!" He says sitting up. "Oh okay.." I said. If I eat I'm gonna either slit it out or throw it up.


The food was ready. We made eggs and sausage. I sat down with the plate in front of me. Bill sat next to me, "You need to eat." He says looking at me just disgusted at the food. He picked up my fork and put egg on it. And put it up to my mouth. I did not open it. "Come on open." He said. I did and he placed the egg in my mouth, I tried to chew but I ran to the trash and threw up. Idk what I threw up but it was nasty. Bill held my hair back. And grabbed me a towel to clean my face. "Thanks." I says as he nodded.

I tied to eat again but stopped half way. I was gagging the whole time so what's the point. "Good, at least you ATE something.." he said as we cleaned up. "True." We went back to the room but bill stopped me on the way there. I looked at him "what's wrong bill?" I said "are we okay?" He asked "yeah why wouldn't we be?" I asked confused "Well because we kinda you know.. broke up??" He said shyly. "What? No we didn't? U just just said no to the proposal YOU wanted. And I did to." "Did?" He asked "I mean it's okay if u don't. I just hope we work out okay. Yk?" He had a sad look on his face. "So we are then?" "Yes hun!" I said smiling then pulled his face into a deep kiss. He was shocked and I giggled at that.

Then we went back to bed, snuggled up together.


My boy- Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now