The new boys

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I wake up and realize it's Monday. "Fucking hell." You mumble and get up, all I wanted to do was sleep. My mental health dose not help at all.  But I get dressed and make sure to cover my scars with tight y2k clothes, no one can know..  I grab my bag and other things and go downstairs.

This story takes place in 2006, in Germany, you aka Regan..are a 17 year old teenager that is just so bored with life. But you have school and just have to get it over with.

I don't even bother to say goodbye to mu dad.. he's terrible to me anyway, and I head out the door and walk start to walk to school.

Oh right, 2 boys just moved in across the street!

I see one boy head out the door, he is tall, wears very baggy clothes, like extremely baggy.. has blond and brown dreads, and wears a hat and sweat bands. He's kinda... hot? He looks up at you and smirks, ' Did he just look at me?'  I think. But then someone soon follows behind him, and I loose focus, he is a bit taller than the other boy, but a slim, emo boy, his hair is crazy but it's so pretty, he wears black makeup, and has perfect features.. from where I can see he's beautiful. Then I see them walking up to me on the side walk from across the street.

Shit their coming this way!

The boy in baggy clothes soon makes it close to me along with the other boy. "Hi I'm  Tom" The dreaded boy says in the cutest German accent ever. And holds out his hand, I shake it and say "Hey I'm Regan, nice to meet you." And he smirks at me letting go of my hand and looking at you up and down, the other boy just looks at him and turns to me "And I'm Bill, his twin brother." She says kind of annoyed and rolls his eyes. "TWINS?!" They both laugh. I kind of see it now, even though they have completely different styles, I can see their similarities.

"Mind if we tag along to school with you, it's our first day.." Bill says "Sure no problem" I say and we all walk to school. Tom keeps 'flirting' with me on the way there, Bill is just walking behind us and not really talking much. The more his brother flirts with me the more I notice him giving his brother dirty looks. But I don't think much about it. Then we arrive at school.

We walk in and a bunch of groups of girls run up to us and start screaming and taking pictures. I'm confused why they keep saying "OMG ITS TOKIO HOTEL!!" But I assume they might be famous for  moving or something idrk.. Then we make it past them and Tom wanders off somewhere, now it's just me and Bill. "Where did Tom go?" I ask and Bill looks disappointed that I brought him up, "Over there." He points to Tom and this blond girl making out, Tom pushing her against the lockers.. he's very aggressive with her.. shoving his tongue down her throat. I flinch make a disgusted look on my face, although I'm kinda sand and mad. But Bill brings me back to reality "Don't worry about him.. he will move on the the next girl like that.." and he snaps his fingers. " So he's a player?" I say and Bill nods. "Damn.." I say and walk Bill to his first class, seems we have first period together! Yay!!

I kept feeling Bills eyes on me throughout the class.. but I just kept brushing it off. Maybe he just wants to be friends.. right?


I have the same Gym class with Tom, ugh. I go and change in the locker room, I spot the girl that Tom was making out with in the hall. She looks at me with the dirtiest look and walks out of the room. 'Some bitch' I think to myself. I start to run laps then feel some one's arm wrap around my waist then I stop running "Hey Regan." Then I recognize who it is by the voice. Tom. I push his arm off remembering about how he kissed that girl.. "Well you definitely made your first impression." And I laugh a bit "Huh?" She say's confused "That girl you where kissing in the hall earlier.." and he looks at me with wide eyes "Oh. Yeah she's nothing.. it meant nothing." He says and I hear the whistle blow.  I go change and walk back to class.. But omw there someone stops me. It's Tom again.. He grabs my face and kissed me, ever so slightly.. I push him away, I'm in shock. He scoffs and walk off.. I turn to my right and see Bill, he looks hurt.. and he turn around and walks off.. "WAIT BILL!"


I remember that me and Bill had exchanged numbers, after that happend he seemed to ignore his feeling and put a fake smile on his face. Although I could tell he was sad about it, I never got to tell him what really happened.. he did not want to hear about it.

I start to text Bill a soon as I get home and out of my clothes, my dad still at work..


You: Hey bill it's Regan!    5:54

You: Bill can you please reply?   6:12

You: we need to talk bill, I'm not joking..   6:28

He leaves me on delivered the rest of the week.. it's finally Friday and the rest of the week was bill ignoring me, and me and Tom got closer, it seemed the closer i got to Tom.. the further I got from bill. That made me sad. I really liked bill. Hmm.


Tom asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes! Bill just ignored me and never replied to any of my calls or texts.. I really want to talk to him, Tom invited me over to his house and I said yes! I got dressed and went over after school, bill was there and along with 2 of his friends.. I walk in and they all look at me like that wanted to tell me something.. I look at them confused "So Regan we want to tell you something.." Tom says..

SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINKKK???!I hope I get some readers this time.. if y'all have any questions pls feel free to comment and follow for my next update.. I try to upload every day if not 2 days.. LY STAY SAFE AND TAKE CARE💞💞🥳

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