"What? No! I don't want anything to do with him, we have discussed this."

"Okay," Grace believed her in her bones, it was just a gut feeling, "I apologize for the accusation. I think I'm surprised. Are you okay?"

"I am. It's- it's not my fault he didn't tell her about me and I couldn't really help being born."

"You're right," Grace let out a single dry laugh, "Thanks for calling. I'll be okay, I'm never going to see them again anyways... I burned that bridge a while ago."

"Glad to hear it. Did you want to call Michael yourself? That twin thing..." Eleanor trailed off at the end again, she was intimidated by Grace in many ways.

"Yes. Thank you. I'm about to get on a plane but— why don't you call again soon? We can talk."

"Sure," Eleanor then said goodbye. Grace could tell by the higher tone of voice that she was smiling on the other end of the line when Grace mentioned that.

"What's going on?" Taylor asked when Grace hung up. Grace rapidly typed into google and saw the headlines.

"My parents are getting divorced," Grace laughed again, "She left him!"

"Shut up?!" Taylor looked down at the screen, Grace still had the headlines pulled up.

There were pictures of Jennifer having bags carried out of the house and leaving a law office. With Robert owning one of the biggest, scariest in the country, Grace didn't think she stood much of a chance against him but maybe if she hired the right guy they would make a decent deal.

The newest article was a release from Robert's team talking about how it has been especially difficult since Grace left, a lot of blah blah blah about nothing. It was all bullshit, he was trying to fix an explosion to his image with an off brand bandaid.

His stock prices had crashed, investors pulled out, employees had been mass quitting and PR had been a nightmare. He had it coming.

"How do you feel about this?" Taylor ran her hand up and down Grace's back in case she needed comfort.

"I'm good," Grace laughed again. She had a giddy feeling in her chest, "I'm so fucking good. I have to call Michael, I don't know if he saw."

"I'll pack for you, we're just going to see my parents. I can pick out something you'll feel comfortable in," Taylor offered because she knew the second Grace got on the phone with her brother, it would eat up all their time. Those two could talk for decades straight.

She also knew for Grace there was no in-between, she either want to layer up in Taylor's clothes because they were Taylor's, or she would want the most elegant and tasteful item from her side of the closet. She would pack options.

"Thank you, darling," Grace pecked Taylor's lips and excused herself to go down the hall and sit in the pink chair by the staircase. Taylor did not react like that when her parents separated, not one bit.

Grace dialled Michael's number and waited as it rang, "Little sister, how are you?"

"Alive. Are you at work?"

"Yep. You call to say hi to Alan?" He chuckled. He had gotten into his truck for a minute of privacy.

"Absolutely not. Did you hear that— well... Eleanor called, there was some news about our parents."

"Are they alright?"

"Mum left him," Grace said, "She didn't know about Eleanor according to the tabloids. It blew things up more than my exit did, I suppose."

"Damn," Michael's voice went softer, "Nell called you?"

"Yes, she called to see how I was."

"Nice," he sighed, "The PI said there wasn't anything fishy, by the way. She's a photographer, lived with her mother who really was his assistant back then for a period of time. She's got a nice place just outside of London, private school education. You know, Robert took care of it."

"Thanks for letting me know."

"Right back at you," he hummed, "I should get back to work, we're putting up that addition for Mrs. Wilkinson today."

"Are you going to be okay? I know you haven't seen them in a long time but still, everyone reacts in their own way."

"I'll be fine. Feel bad for Jennifer a little, starting over is hard. I still hope that bastard dies a lonely cold death, though."

"Me too," Grace shut her eyes as she realized Michael sounded a little more upset than he led on, "Give mini me some hugs, okay? I'll try to convince Taylor we need to visit soon."

"You got it."

They talked for another minute until Michael really did need to get back to the sunroom addition they were busy working on. Grace went back to the bedroom and placed her hand on the small of Taylor's back to let her know she was there despite being sure the singer had heard her enter.

"How did Mike take that?" Taylor put a pair of socks into the netted pocket in the top of the suitcase cover.

"He'll be okay, I think it was stress more than anything," Grace murmured, "I apologize if this brings up ill feelings regarding your parent's previous separation."

"I'm okay," Taylor meant it, "I packed you white socks and black socks but I didn't know which tights you would want for the blue dress."

"The ones that don't feel like spider webs," Grace opened her drawer and touched each of the materials until she found the ones she hated. She pulled out any other option and placed it neatly in the suitcase, "Thank you for packing for me."

"Just grab your toiletries," Taylor kissed Grace's head, "I'm going to load the girls and their things up. Can you be ready to go in ten minutes?"

"Absolutely," Grace offered a thumbs up. Taylor was just out of the room when Grace walked towards the door and called out after her, "Darling?"

"Yeah?" Taylor stopped, she turned her head to glance at her girlfriend.

The former heiress offered a single question, "Would you leave me if I had a secret child?"

The older half of the couple paused, "...Who would be the father?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Yeah," Taylor nodded, "If you had a kid even from the past you didn't tell me about, we'd be over. Especially if it was from an affair- but you've never slept with a guy so I'm not worried. Grace, I don't need to be worried, right?"

"Correct," Grace laughed, "Anything I should know about?"

"No, we're good."

"Alright. We leave in then minutes."

It was eight minutes later that Taylor had to get Grace to put Meredith into the cat carrier while Taylor bandaged her arm up. Meredith went in without complaint for the brunette, which only led to a slew of curse words falling from Taylor's lips during the entire drive to the airport.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now