Ch 10 - Let's Begin

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"They've been having this weird tension for quite a while, and it's finally started to rear its head." Hanayo whispered to Rin.

Nico sighed and rubbed her temples, "It's too early for this shit."

"I don't know what to do. Maybe I should..." Kotori distressed eyes lingered on Honoka and Umi as they actively avoided each other in the hotel lobby.

"Kotori, it's great that you like being their mediator but, I think this is something that they need to settle by themselves." Maki placed her hand on Kotori's shoulder. Kotori nodded in agreement.

"Maki-channn, why did we have to get up so early nya? It's not even seven o'clock yet nya!" Rin whined.

"Rin made a valid point. Why are we checking out now? Isn't our check out time at eleven?" Nozomi questioned.

"True, but we're checking out early for this surprise." Eli chuckled.

As soon as Eli finished her sentence, four Rolls Royce pulled up to the hotel, stunning the few unexpected members of µ's.

Smirking, Nico puffed out her chest. "For the number one idol in the universe, it only made sense for myself and my friends to travel to Niagara Falls in style. Now hurry up and get into your respective cars.... we're not paying extra for parking." Nico whispered the last bit.

Tsuki got out of the third car. "Ms. Nishikino, your car is at the front. Mr. Sato will handle yours and Ms. Yazawa luggage. Mr. Yamada will follow, and I will handle Koto – I mean Ms. Minami, Ms. Koizumi, and Ms. Hoshizora luggage. Ms. Nakamura is in the last car for Ms. Ayase and Ms. Tojo."

"Thank you Tsuki." Maki grabbed her luggage and headed to the first car.

Nozomi followed Eli to their car and greeted Ms. Nakamura as she opened the rear door. "Wow Eli-cchi look at all this leg room!"

Nico faced palmed "Oh for the love of – "

"Please do not fret Ms. Yazawa. All these cars are equipped with a glass partition that switches from transparent to opaque. There are also privacy curtains for the side and rear windows. The front and rear compartment is sound isolated. The only way for communication to occur between the front and rear is through an intercom system. This allows you to speak to us drivers on demand and answer or decline our calls to you. These cars offer absolute privacy." Ms. Nakamura quickly finished, and Nico sighed in relief as she got into her car. Ms. Nakamura leaned over and whispered in Nozomi's ear. "The backseats also come with a massage feature and reclines."

Eyes widened, Nozomi fist bumped Ms. Nakamura and quickly clambered into the car. Ms. Nakamura, with a knowing smile, chuckled and shut the door.

Honoka shook her head at them as she finished helping Mr. Yamada with the luggage. Hesitating to get into the car, Rin approached her.

"Now will you two, stop trying to ghost each other and get into the Phantom nya!" Rin shoved Honoka into the car next to Umi and slammed the door. "I didn't even get to snuggle with Kayochin last night because of you two," Rin mumbled under her breath.

A startled Umi didn't utter a single word and sighed as she proceeded to stare out the window.

Honoka started to open her mouth and quickly closed it. She looked out of her own window.

For the next thirty minutes, the silence amongst them was suffocating. Brows furrowed in frustration; Honoka turned to Umi.

"Umi!" Honoka exclaimed.

"Honoka..." Umi whispered in unison.

They locked eyes with each other; Honoka sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.

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