Ch 7 - Let's Go Shopping

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"It was pretty nice of you to agree to take us to Jersey City." Nozomi addressed Tsuki.

"Part of my job ma'am. If you're coming back with plenty of bags, it's better than trying to carry everything on the bus or subway." Tsuki responded. "Also, Mr. Nishikino explained to me the last time you all tried to navigate the subway system, minor undesirable results occurred."

The last statement got Honoka's attention. "Yeah hehehe at least everything got settled." Honoka glanced to her left and saw Umi had on earbuds, staring out the window. Honoka smiled and started to reminisce. Poor Umi-chan, she was worried sick that I was missing. She truly cared about my well-being, which sorta pains me for what me and Nozomi plan on doing.

Kotori, who was sitting next to Tsuki, turned around. "So Nozomi-chan, what's the game plan?"

"Just have fun, stay safe, and meet back at the food court at 4pm."

They arrived at the mall and Tsuki was going to head back to the hotel until Kotori stopped her.

"Tsuki-chan, since we're here, you should join us and enjoy yourself too!"

"Well, if you insist, I'll gladly take you up on that offer."

With a delighted glint in her eyes, Kotori grabbed Tsuki's hand and started to tug her towards the entrance.

Umi sighed, leaned close to Honoka, and whispered, "Do you think we should...."

"Warn Tsuki about being Kotori-chan mannequin? Nope!" Honoka beamed as she followed behind Nozomi.


"You're more than welcome to take Tsuki's place." Silence came over the two and Honoka smirked in victory.

Once inside, Honoka automatically began to move towards the direction of food; until Umi got a grasp on her shoulder.

"Where are you going? You could get lost if we don't stick together," Umi cautioned.

"Mou Umi-chan! Remember, I'm not a child!" Honoka whined and pouted. She looked back and saw skepticism stamped onto Umi's face. "I-I mean I saw the store with the delicious bread and pastries and couldn't help myself. Look, Kotori-chan is already enjoying cheesecake with Tsuki!"

Umi observed Kotori's lively interaction with Tsuki and subconsciously smiled. A cough from Nozomi refocused her attention onto Honoka. "I swear If you were a zombie, you would go after bread instead of brains. Let's go get you a snack and then we'll figure out where to go from there."

Honoka giggled, "Thanks, and if that were the case, I guess you wouldn't have to worry about me having you as a snack." Yet.

Umi turned slightly pink as she walked ahead and Nozomi gave Honoka a sly look.

"So where do you wanna hit up first?" Honoka asked as she enjoyed her bear claw.

Umi pondered for bit. "I have nowhere particular, what about you Nozomi?"

"I actually have a couple but they're all on the second floor. We should explore and have some fun down here before we head upstairs."

"That sounds good." Honoka wolfed down the last bit of her snack. "Let's go!"

They left the restaurant and proceeded to enter a bath shop. They strolled from aisle to aisle full of different lotions, fragrances, and candles.

As Honoka scanned a shelf, she turned her head and saw Eli, Rin, and Hanayo entering the jewelry store across from her. Hmm I wonder why Eli-chan seemed nervous and Rin-chan looked excited? A tap on the shoulder prevented her from dwelling on it any longer.

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