Ch 6 - Hooray for 7/11!

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Umi was roused from her sleep with a voice, increasing in volume, calling her name and the sensation of someone pushing down on her. Umi opened her tired eyes to stare into the energetic blue orbs of .

"Bout time you woke up sleepyhead! C'mon and get dressed; I want to be first in line!" Honoka zipped back and forth across the room. "Don't you remember? You said you would get Slurpee's with me. They're free today so I definitely don't want to stand in line all day just to get one."

Umi was flabbergasted that Honoka was acting as if last night never transpired. Guilt weighing on her conscience, she decided to speak up.

"Honoka, about last night..."

Honoka looked over to witness Umi's somber expression. "You were right, Umi. We are adults. And starting today, I'm going to act like one. So, hurry up and get a move on!"

Umi got out of bed and walked past Honoka to the bathroom to get dressed. Once dressed, she approached the door where Honoka was waiting for her. She attempted to place her hand on Honoka's shoulder. Honoka shrugged it off and dashed out the door.

Umi sighed and chased after her. Once she caught up, she was glad that at least Honoka had held the elevator door opened for her. The ride, for the most part, was a quiet ride until Umi once again attempted to talk to Honoka.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what – "

"This is our stop." The doors opened and Honoka stepped out into the lobby.

Umi grabbed Honoka's hand to get her attention. "Please hear me out Honoka! I'm sorry for how I acted last night. It was wrong and stupid of me. Can you please forgive me?"

Honoka glanced away and rubbed her chin. "Well, I suppose I can."

A few tears formed in the corner of Umi's eyes as she clutched onto Honoka's frame, squeezing her.

Honoka chuckled and patted Umi's head. Oh Umi-chan, don't think that apology will get you off the hook just yet.

They left the hotel and went around the block to 7-Eleven. Surprisingly, there wasn't a huge line yet.

Honoka was perplexed. "Wow here I thought it would have been wrapped around the block."

"Maybe it because this year they decided to extend their hours from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. to prevent long lines. I don't think many people would have the drive to get up early just for this."

"Uh huh...You're not upset that I woke you up early, are you?" Honoka stared slyly, internally smirking.

Umi raised her hands. "N-N-No! Not at all! But couldn't we have at least eaten breakfast first?" She opened the door, letting Honoka enter and followed behind her.

"We can have Slurpees with breakfast."

As they entered, they spotted Eli, Rin and Hanayo already in line.

"Honoka-chan, there you are! I thought you would have made it here before us nya."

"I know! Although, I didn't expect Eli-chan to come here with you."

Eli shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just as surprised as you are. But since Nozomi wanted one, here I am." She gestured for Honoka and Umi to take her spot in line. "You two go on ahead of me, I'm going to grab a snack first."

"Man, I'm so glad that this store was so close by. Did you know there are like 40 of them scattered throughout Manhattan alone nya!"

"You must have been really excited to look that up." Umi giggled.

"You're absolutely right nya! Hehehe I'm going to get all the flavors in one cup nya!" Rin grabbed a cup and was about to grab one of the machine's levers until Hanayo placed her hand on Rin's shoulder.

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