Ch 5 - Let's Sleep on It

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"Umi-chan, why do you look like you just seen a ghost?" Honoka returned from the bathroom and stood next to Umi with her luggage.

"No, no, I'm good."

Honoka looked at Umi with concern, "Ok then. If you want, you can hit the shower first."

Umi shook her head. "Thanks, but you can go first."

"You sure? You're not saying that just to sneak a peek at my M&M's?" Honoka suspiciously eyeballed Umi.

Umi chuckled, raising her hands in surrender. "Positive. I'm not going to go through your belongings."

After Honoka was satisfied with Umi's answer, she partially unpacked and headed towards the shower. Umi unpacked her suitcase, stored away the items she bought, and mindlessly scrolled through her phone, waiting patiently in the desk chair for Honoka to finish. Absorbed, she didn't even notice Honoka had emerged.

"Yo, Umi-chan. The shower is all yours."

Umi glanced up and almost dropped her phone. Honoka's towel clung tightly around her body while water droplets rolled off her skin. Her wet hair was plastered along her face and chest. Umi wanted to look away, but her body was not cooperating with her mind.

Honoka, perplexed and amused, decided to have a little fun. "U-mi-chan" - she bent down to open her suitcase, displaying a decent amount of her cleavage as her towel slightly loosen - "I told you the shower was ready."

Blushing furiously, Umi jolted up. "R-Right, I'll take my l-leave." She quickly gathered her things and briskly entered the bathroom. Thank goodness I didn't have a nosebleed. I probably should take a cold shower. After managing to collect herself, Umi completed her shower, changed into her pajamas, and returned to a fully dressed Honoka, preparing to eat her s'mores. "Isn't it too late to eat that?"

"Oh Umi-chan, it's never too late to have dessert." Honoka grinned and took a bite. "You want a taste?"

Not trusting her voice, Umi nodded. Control yourself. It's not like she said something indecent.

"Well just don't stand there. Come over here and get you some."

Well crap. Umi went to Honoka and took a seat beside her on the bed. Umi's heart was pounding as she anticipated Honoka's next move.

"Here." Honoka broke a piece off and handed it to Umi.

Umi relieved and slightly disappointed, accepted it. "Thank you. Wow, this is pretty good."

"I know right!" Honoka cleaned up and got settled into bed. "Nothing like a nice snack to help you get some sleep." She grabbed the TV remote off the nightstand and flipped through the channels.

Umi cleaned the chocolate off her hand, turned off the lights, and slid into bed next to Honoka. They watched a few programs and talked for a bit until Umi started to yawn.

"I'm going to go ahead and turn in for the night. Night Honoka." Umi turned on her side facing the door.

Honoka turned off the TV, rolled over, and proceeded to snuggle close to Umi.

"H-Honoka! What in earth do you think you're doing?"

"What? It's been ages since we slept together like this."

That's right. When we were kids, she would run away and head straight to my place and we would end up like this. This also occurred a couple of times throughout high school due to impromptu sleepovers and study sessions. I opt to sleep on the futon at her place; she would weasel her way into my bed at my place.

"But this time we have a king-size bed, you have a bunch of space on your side!"

Honoka giggled, "C'mon Umi-chan when we were kids, we would cuddle. Kotori-chan still lets me cud - "

"I need you to realize that we're not kids anymore. We're adults," Umi vehemently declared.

"Right." Honoka, stunned, retracted herself from Umi. She scooted back to her side of the bed and turned away from Umi to face the window. "Good Ni-Night, Umi." Honoka shakily responded.

Once realization hit her, Umi's frown quickly dissipated. Way to go, Umi. You really screwed up.

The two laid there in the dark silence; Honoka on the verge of tears while Umi mentally cursed herself.

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