Chapter 9. Mistakes

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I watched as Prince Nico and Princess Hazel went into the shed, they looked like they were about to murder someone.

They had black clothes on and I saw a dagger in Princess Hazel's hand. Prince Nico's face frightened me enough to make me back off.

I saw someone stalking after them, they seemed like they were trying to be stealthy, which was exactly what they were being.

They had their face covered by a black cloak and they had black clothing on too.

Is the royalty of the Jewels Kingdom doing something they aren't supposed to be doing? I assumed the last person was Princess Bianca.

(who I assumed was) Princess Bianca stalked behind them.

I assumed she had some weapons on her, but I couldn't see them. As if it was magic

I continued sitting at a table, eating in silence. Prince Jason was sitting across from me, as well as Prince Leo.

Prince Leo was doing his best to make jokes, they were all inhumanly funny, but I was too focused on the background.

Princess Bianca looked through the window, but... it wasn't Princess Bianca. I saw some blonde hair peek through her hood.

The one piece of hair was extremely long. She turned around, her mask wasn't covering her entire face, only the bottom half.

I saw dark eyes.

She saw me and her eyes narrowed, she turned around and stalked into the shed.

Is she an assassin?

Who is that girl and what is she getting into?

I heard metal clatter, my ears perked up.

"Dude, are you even listening?" Prince Leo asked.

"Uh... yeah," I lied. He rolled his eyes but seemed to notice my scared expression.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Prince Jason looked up at the capital building, he seemed to be staring into someone's eyes.

I looked up at the window and saw Princess Piper and Rachel looking at the shed, with a scared expression.

I looked back at the shed.

"Umm... I think something bad is happening..." I muttered.

Wait... where is Princess Annabeth?

"Where is Princess Annabeth?" I asked them. "I haven't seen her since you jumped out of that window," Prince Jason commented. "Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes. "Prince Leo? Do you know?" I asked desperately.

"Nope, and stop calling me Prince Leo, just call me Leo, bro," he said. "Okay,"

"Umm... I'm gonna go... get... a shovel, yeah... a shovel from the shed quickly," I said, making up an excuse as I talked.

"Why would you need a shovel?" Leo asked, confused. "Umm... I promised my... my mom... I would help her garden," I said. "Yeah sure... okay, go ahead," Leo chuckled.

I got up from the bench and walked over to the shed, making sure to have my steps quiet. The shed looked like a metal house, to be frank.

I looked in through the tiny window on the side of the shed, all I saw was three people tied up to the wall, Princess Hazel, Prince Nico, and Princess Bianca.

Had that assassin kidnapped them?

I saw a dagger get thrown up into the loft that was where the window was. I heard someone wince.

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