Chapter 4. The Ride

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Juniper, Grover, and I spent the rest of the afternoon talking, eating, and just having fun like we used to when we were kids.

We were sitting in the tiny living room, talking about the 'Ball' that has been set for next week, the royal family (including me) has to go to it starting tomorrow.

All the royal families have to be there a week or two early to make sure we can get it all straightened out.

Knock! Knock!

"I'll get it," Grover said, getting up from his spot next to Juniper.

He ran over to the door, opened it, and groaned.

"Is Prince Perseus here?" A formal voice said. "Yes, Percy!" Grover called. I hopped out of my spot and went over to the door.

I saw my guard, Arthur, with his dark brown hair and blue eyes. He had a slim figure, but he was stronger than any guard in the royal army.

He was wearing the green and blue outfit of the royal family, his armor was silver with a blue Pegasus engraved into it.

"Ah, Perseus, you are here," Arthur said. "Yep, here I am," I said, with fake enthusiasm.

"Come on, your father wants you there for dinner to discuss what will be happening tomorrow at the ball," Arthur said.

"Fine, just let me outside," I said. Arthur moved from the door and I said a quick goodbye to Grover and Juniper.

I ran outside and got back on Blackjack.

Arthur got on his assigned horse, Guido, and went in front of me. His brown and white stallion galloped away from the house, me in close pursuit.

"Perseus you should know not to sneak out anymore!" Arthur said. I groaned, "Can we just not talk about that?"

"Fine, but just know your father is not going to be very happy with you when we get back to the palace," Arthur said. "Yeah yeah," I waved him off.


We got back to the palace, I hopped off Blackjack and handed him off to Arthur.

I ran back to the palace, climbing up the rope that was still there.

I did my best not to get rope-burn, I eventually got back into my chambers.

I ran into my closet, changing back into my suit.

The plain-white dress shirt was thrown on my body and I got my mossy green pants and suit jacket, putting them on.

I got my dark blue tie and put it around my neck, then put on my dress shoes. Polishing them the best I could, before going over to my mirror.

I brushed my fingers through my hair quickly, then ran out of my chambers.

I got to the dining hall quickly, as it was only a few minutes away from my chambers, and ran to my seat next to my father.

He inspected my outfit, then turned back to my mother, smiling.

I turned towards Estelle, and Tyson to my right. "How was your guys' day?" I asked. "It was fine, I finished my painting finally," Estelle said. I smiled at her, then looked at Tyson.

He was grinning super widely, then started rambling about something his best friend/girlfriend, Ella, had sent him through the mail.

I smiled proudly at him, then heard my father clear his throat. "Yes, Father?" I asked.

"We need to discuss the plans for the Ball tomorrow," He said. I nodded my head, then turned to my mother and smiled warmly at her. She smiled sheepishly and then started talking.

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