I need you.

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Fine, white sand. A thin, clear liquid kissed the shoreline, gently rolling up and down. A beach absent of shells or rocks. The smoothest, softest surface on Earth, the sand burned of imperfections, purified and made holy once again by the flames of Inri's womb. Virgin Beach. Further inland, one could make out what looked like tall buildings, rubble and humanoid outlines in the vast green grass that covered every surface visible. Various species of flowers were dotted among every surface, giving color to the earth. Cherry trees in bloom grew from the ground.

Tall wooden crosses jutted upwards from the soft, flowing grass, innumerable and placed over the entire planet. One adorned with a circle made of thorny branches, and white, bloodstained garments draped over and wrapped around the cross. Many more could be found with little searching, all unique. Effigies, to those sacrifices made in the process leading up to the rebirth of the grand and miraculous spaceship Earth.

Something began to move beneath the water. A shape, something with appendages. Its fishlike head broke the surface. A green reptilian creature, not unlike an iguana mixed with a salmon, slowly dragged itself ashore. After clearing the waves, it stopped to rest, breathing heavily. Breathing. It was a new sensation. The creature didn't think it was out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, something began stirring, deep within the creature's soul. An ancient instinct, older than life itself. Spots of sunlight illuminated the reborn planet, and as the dark clouds above began to part, he cocked his head up, and let out a mating cry.

The sound of the waves became deafening, as other creatures that looked similar to the first began emerging from the liquid.

As long as there is water, and sunlight, there will be life.

And as long as there is life, there is another chance.

Rest now if you need to, for as long as you want.

But remember





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