BONUS: Nightmare Journal

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-The following is a recounting of the traumatic nightmare section of a dream that eventually became one of the core building block inspirations for SBA. I had this nightmare in the early hours of March 24th 2016, and seemed to have been influenced by the 360 music video for Gorillaz' Saturnz Barz (Spirit House), the ending of the music video for Shelter by Madeon and Porter Robinson, and discussions with my friends in home ec class on the movie My Girl [which I hadn't seen at the time.]-

I'm in an airport. I've just entered the main concourse area when it transforms into something resembling a medical science museum. I walk over to one of the exhibits and by perspective shifts. I'm now the exhibit itself- a live, stripped down human body consisting of nothing but my vitals, my nervous system, and my eyes and ears. I can see the people looking in on me from outside the acrylic box I'm inside of,  I can hear them talking about me, how disgusting I look and how they'd hate to be me, I can feel the cold steel table I'm splayed out on. All of this, and I can't move or even close my eyes.

My perspective shifts again. I'm a tall woman outside the building I was just in, a building which is now a laboratory for conducting inhumane medical experiments. My skin is brown and my body is clad in a dingy yellow-brown prisoner uniform, my body beneath the uniform is wrapped in white strips. It's night and I'm just on the other side of the road separating me from the facility, I'm in a wheat or corn field, desperately trying to escape from the scientists and helicopters trying to keep me from getting away.

I wake up.

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