68. She Needed This

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For almost 2 decades I've been a prisoner in my own mind

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For almost 2 decades I've been a prisoner in my own mind.

Afraid to be left alone for to long, afraid of the voices in my head, afraid that the voices would win.

Ending the battle and just putting my body to rest was something that I had thought about for to long because of her.

She ruined my life, she made it hell, I'm not normal because of her.

She took my life away, let me be abused for years, all while she was living her life of luxury.

Its taken way to long BUT Elle is finally here wounded and finally, she's here at my mercy.

It's a long time coming.

"Wake her up." I giddily exclaimed like a little school girl who was about to get the biggest piece of red velvet cake, but this was better than cake and much sweeter.

Almost salivating at the mouth at his task Philip dumped a jug of water on Elle's head.

It's been 3 weeks since the bullet that I shot had missed her heart by 1 inch, close enough to kill her but not quite.

Exactly how I wanted it... she doesn't deserve a quick and swift death; I want her to suffer.

And she will.

Jolting out of her sleep coma, Elle's fragile body jolted as much as it possibly could while it was still recovering and chained to a chair.

It has been touch and go for a while but she was fine now. After keeping her sedated for a few days we decided to put her into a medical induced coma so her body could heal from the shock... and now she was stable.

Well stable enough.

Blinking once then twice Elles daughting eyes took me in almost like she couldn't believe that I was here. And that she was there chained up- that she lost.

But even when defeat was clear as day she wouldnt go down without a fight, she wasnt going to to go down easy.

"So what now?" Elle sluggishly questioned while looking at me as I was sitting across from her. "HMM?" She followed with peering up at my mother and Angy who were standing behind the chair that I was sitting in.

"You're going to kill me now?" She asked nonchalantly as if she wasn't surrounded by people who she single handly had made their lives hell.

"Death would be to easy for you, " I simply stated while getting out of my chair.

Making my way over to the weapon table I run my hands over the delicious array of toys that were begging me to play with them. Stopping once my finger brushed the handles of some pale pink pliers. Snickering at how even in torture devices Tre still manages to get her favorite color involved.

Picking up the pilers a devlish smile creeps on my face as I think about plucking Elles nipples off with the pilers.

Yes she's going to be tortured alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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