34. She Could Suck The Soul Out Of Anyone

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"I think I saw a snail pass us

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"I think I saw a snail pass us."

Snorting at my cheeky outburst Angy chimed in. "Lele maybe you can drive a little faster I mean you are going 20 miles under the speed limit."

Leo sprinted us out of the photoshoot with the parentals after a few minutes saying we were going to be late. I thought it was a cover to get away from the shoot since the school is 15 minutes away and didn't start for another 45 minutes. But seeing the leisurely pace he's driving I see that he actually meant we were going to be late.

"Fine," he huffed, pressing his foot on the gas. The speed of the car went up from 15 miles per hour to 20. "For fucks sake, I'm going to be driving us home." I urged while slamming my back into the passenger seat.

"You two are precious cargo I just want to be extra cautious making sure I keep you two in one piece! I already lost you two once, excuse me for just wanting to take extreme safety measures."

Leaning into her seat Angy softly put her hand on Leo's shoulder. "Thank you for keeping us safe big brother." Watching his whole face light up in gleam, made the comments I was about to spew out vanish... for now anyways.

Even though driving too slow can be just as and at times more dangerous than speeding. I can't help but enjoy the foreign feeling of having someone try to protect you.

I'm always looking out for everyone, it's something I've come to terms with, but it leaves my brain feeling overstimulated at times. Closing my eyes, I enjoy these few moments and for the first time in a long time I drop my guard and enjoy letting someone protect me.

"I know the windows are tinted, so they can't see us. But like they know someone is in here... so why are there gawking." Angy asked while some bulky boy in a football jersey was pressed against my door fogging up my window with his hot breath.

"In their defense they think it's just me they're staring at." Leo shrugged while fiddling with his apple watch. "So, people normally gawk at you like you're the second coming of Christ?" I question but I already know the answer to that as I notice that all eyes including the ones that belong to faculty are on my brother's red Lamborghini.

"Well duh, I'm a Smith, we're teen royalty." Flipping is imaginary hair back, Angy busts out laughing at our idiotic brother's motions. "Is that right Regina George?"

"Yes, I mean mom and dad pretty much built this school years ago. They give out huge bonuses to the staff every year, and you know the fact that they have sent 4 teen heartthrobs in my brothers and I is just extra scrumptious." Fanning himself like he was about to pass out he raised his voice a few octaves. "The Smith boys are ALL just so dreamy."

"Ok get the fuck out." I deadpanned.

"Not without you two."

Turning my head, the bulky football player had multiplied and there were now 3 of them pressed against the window. Giving Leo a side eye he eventually sighed, "ok I'll go so you'll escape the idiots. But we're eating lunch together no excuses."

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