39. Just Survive The Night

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Hey gorgeous!

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Hey gorgeous!

*Tw* Throughout this whole chapter there will be mentions of sa, verbal and physical abuse, self harm and thoughts of suicide.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm leaving." Grabbing a handful of clothes, I quickly put them in a duffel bag. Not bothering to take all my clothes I can always buy more later. I don't want to stop to go shopping any time soon so a few for now will do.

"Maybe we should talk about this before we leave?" Dropping the jacket, I was holding I looked up at Tre who was standing by the bed looking at me like I was a wounded animal or something. "No," I replied sternly with a simple head shake.

What's there to talk about? He's being verbal abusive and I'm not taking it.

Hearing a knock on the door I rolled my eyes took my overnight bag and went to my bathroom to get my skincare items, and fuzzy robe. Once I had secured my needs from the bathroom, I turned the facet on flushing my face with water. Praying this simple attempt will get me some much needed tranquility.

You're ok, you're ok I chanted to myself while drying my face, hopefully I can speak it into existence. Walking out of the bathroom I see Alisha, and Phillip who I guess were the ones at the door talking in hushed tones but stopped once they saw me.

"If you're going to talk about me the least you can do is say it to my face." Ignoring the raised eyebrows all three were giving me I look towards the other duffle I had grabbed for Tre seeing that it was empty.

Noticing where my eyes went, she sighed, "Angy I – we don't think you should leave."

"Excuse me?"

Sitting down in the chair next to my desk I cross my right leg over my left. Hoping the movement will give me the few seconds I need to not explode. "Please humor me and tell me why I should stay in a house where I'm not wanted."

I did that for years, and I took everything I took it all like I'm some spineless, weak, child, but I'm not that girl anymore and I'll never be her again.

Even if it's just by one person that's one to many.
I've already let enough slick stuff slide by him. I'm not going stoop to his level, or try to reason with him I'm just going to remove myself from the situation.

I'm being the bigger person... yes but I'm just protecting my peace or trying too anyways.
Their all stupid if they think I for one second am staying in this place with him when he makes me feel so small.

"That imbecile is spiteful piece of shit," Phillip started. "No one is denying that! But you should have seen the way your parents and other brothers defended you and completely shit on Ezekiel."

Nodding her head agreement Alisha picked up, "your parents love you so much and they said that they're kicking him out. They don't condone that kind of behavior in general to women especially not to you- their daughter. In fact your brothers all wanted to come up here and tell both of you, they love you and you coming back was the best thing that happened while showering you in love. You shouldn't leave because of one idiot."

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