54.The Bitch Is Crazy

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"So what you're trying to say is that the Albanian mafia despite the fact that they claim to hate it, do in fact partake in sex trafficking? Specifically, that they have been helping Elle, and have been for years?"  Reese asked while sitting at th...

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"So what you're trying to say is that the Albanian mafia despite the fact that they claim to hate it, do in fact partake in sex trafficking? Specifically, that they have been helping Elle, and have been for years?" Reese asked while sitting at the head of the conference table that housed all of the biologicals, including grandparents, Thomas fiancé and our T.I.P inner circle members.

"Yes," Abilo huffed while scratching the back of his neck with a sad expression.

"Well that's just great," Philip said after tearing his eyes away from Zach. Hmm he has sex hair, they both do ugh I hope they didn't have sex on the table. Taking my arms off the table I rest my hands in my lap.

What even is a lap. Like I have a lap but once I stand up- it disappears. It's there when I sit a whole lap and then poof gone... laps are weird.

"Why would Aron's dad tell you this NOW, you don't think that's strange," Reese pursued her lips. Clear by her cautious tone she was either having a hard time believing Abilo or thought something was off.

Probably both.

Especially with the fact that they dropped that bomb when we're due to ambush Elle in less then 24 hours. The timing is enough reason to think that some foul play is here.

"No its not that strange. I'll be taking over his mafia soon and for about 2 years he told me theirs a part of the mafia he'll introduce me to right before he's ready to hand over the reigns. Just didn't imagine it was dabbling in human trafficking." Grabbing the bottle of water in front of him, he took a sip of water waiting for everyone to process what he said.

"Fucking animals," Aron muttered while shaking his head. "I wish I could say I'm surprised that my parents are involved in trafficking, but honestly I'm not." The Albanians are as old school as they come honestly it's a miracle that they didn't kill their own son the moment he came out as gay.

Granted forcing him to give up his birth right to be the Albanian mafia was almost a death sentence.

It really shouldn't be a surprise they're in trafficking since it was the backbone, the bread and butter for all mafias for generations.

Once women started to have more rights and become more respected in the mafia world. They advocated for the thousands of helpless women and children who were sold into sex slavery.

Thanks to them most mafias cut ties to sex trafficking, and took down dozens of rings to put in end to the horrors. The Albanians were instrumental in taking down half of those rings themselves. I guess they took them down to expand their own. Or maybe they did stop, they listened to the women who wanted to end it.

But no matter how hard they try still some just can't step away from it because of the money it brings.

Human trafficking brings in around $150 billion a year globally.

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