25. Did You Have To Stab Him

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Part of this chapter was written on my phone so it's not edited, so if you see something (mistake) let me know please :)

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Part of this chapter was written on my phone so it's not edited, so if you see something (mistake) let me know please :)

"Um could you give us a moment please, Reese?" Angy soft voice rang out when we were in front of the office.

Turning around bio mom replied, "of course." The phrase sounded completely neutral, but there was a bit of sadness dancing in her eyes probably at her use of Reese instead of mom.

Maybe one day.

Once they shut the door, I turned to Angy brows raised.

"Give me," she simply stated while holding her hand out.

I know this bitch is not trying to take my glock.

"Give you what?" I asked oh so sweetly, while crossing my arms over my chest. If she wants it, she's going to have to fight me for it and she knows I fight dirty.

"Give me your gun, and before you start kicking and screaming if you give me your gun all is forgiven."

My sister is my best friend and soulmate. She knows that I've been struggling without her the past few days, her offering the forgiveness I don't deserve. I know I don't.

But it's her way of taking care of me.

She often looks at herself like she's weak because of her past but also her present.

That couldn't be the furthest from the truth, she doesn't need me, she would be 100% fine without me or anyone. Fuck you could throw her in the middle of the desert with a wine bottle, and a porcupine and she would somehow end up building a civilization.

She's the definition of an independent bitch, and she should make me grovel for what I did. But she knows I'm struggling and she's throwing me a life vest, before I start sinking to the scary dark place in the back of my mind.

Pulling the gun out from my waistband I place the gun in her outstretched arm and engulf in her hug.

"Thank you Angy."

"Yah, yah and give me your blade," she murmured while pulling away to give me her mom look.

Not wanting to give her reason to take back her deal, I handed her 4 blades, mace, my 2 mini tasers, handcuffs, and my other gun that were on me. Taking the weapons without much of a word she placed them in her bag, before giving me a genuine smile, "cmon lets go do this."

Pushing the doors of the office, I can't help the gasp that comes out as I take in Thomas's office.

"Mom decorated," Thomas chuckled while taking in the dumbstruck look on our faces. "Makes sense it's gorgeous, and kind of unmafia." I replied while finding everyone in the room.

Thomas was sitting at his desk, with bio dad, mom, and Ezekiel around me. Philip and Zach were whispering probably about how they're going to tie each other up later in the corner.

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