18. They Know Who We Are

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This chapter was done on my phone and half edited lmao so if you see any mistakes please let me know :)

From the moment I could understand color, pastels and pink just spoke to me. What did they say? Pink and pastels screamed safe, girlie, feminine, and glam to me; my favorite color was what my world was.

What more could a little princess want?

But one day my world stopped being safe and the pastels just weren't calling out to me anymore. What was calling out to me? How fucked up the world is.

It's a simple truth, that people find out in various stages of their life- the world isn't gumdrops and roses, and people are shitty.

Most people figure that out a little later in life than others. But some well they're not as lucky and they're forced to find the truth too early, my sister and I were some of the ones that fall under that not so lucky category.

If people ask me what my favorite color is I still say pink when in reality it's crimson, why lie? Simple if I were to say crimson, I would get a few confused stares not because I like red but because I picked a very specific shade. They would ask Why Crimson?

And the words to follow would be- easy, it's the exact color of blood, and I don't think anything excites me more than seeing crimson drip especially when I'm the reason it's falling.

Does my reasoning make me a psychopath? Maybe. But saying pastels ensures people don't realize the crazy living inside me until it's too late and I lounged bullet in their brain.

"Is that letters written in on that body" Angie's throaty voice rang out. Turning around I see her leaning on the door at the dungeon part of our basement.

Her arms crossed and a face of confusion as she was looking at a headless body that had x & o on various parts on its toned stomach.

"Oh, yeh Mera and I were playing tic tac toe. "I shrugged while making my way to my happy place- my weapon table. "Playing with his blood?" She questioned with a passive look.

"You think I'm such an animal, playing with his blood? No, it's not his blood," Eying my weapon table, I can't help the gleam that's shining on my face hmm what to choose what to choose.

"So, who's blood, is it?"

"Oh, his brother was down here so I cut off his brother's fingers so Mera and I can use the fingers as pen's." I don't think I've used this chainsaw; this might be fun to use on one of these buffoons.

"And then Mera beat me little shit, so I may have lost my temper and cut his head off." Pausing I giggle, you should have seen the way his brother screamed I know this place is soundproof but fuck I thought you guys would hear them.

Hearing her small steps, I look up and see her conflicted look, "what?" I ask while picking up the chainsaw. "Put that saw down, I need to talk to you and this place is giving me a headache."

Fuck, putting the saw down, I race over to her and drag her out of the basement taking a few turns we end up in the lounge part of the basement.

"Sit" I demand while opening up cabinets and getting 2 Advil, a bottle of water and some crackers. Walking back over to her I hand her the medicine and food sitting next to her I put my hand on her lower back and start rubbing circles into her back. "I'm sorry sissy."

After taking a few bites of her cracker she swallowed the pills with the water." Don't be sorry, I just had a long day, and I just couldn't handle the dungeons smells."

Ever since my sister and I were on our own, I have made it my mission to protect her. She's dealt with more pain than some whole families deal with it, and it physically sicknesses me to see her less anything less than ok.

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