Tommy & Dil Find Each Other

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Now at a tree root hollow, where Tommy and Dil has taken refuge. "We'll just have a little bottle and take a nice nappy, and everything will be okay." Said Tommy as he takes the bottle of milk out.

"Mine! Mine!" Dil selfishly snatches the bottle always from Tommy and drinks it up.

"But, I'm hungry, too. " Tommy tries to grab the bottle from Dil. "Stop it! Dil, that's enough! Stop it! Unh! "Dil laughs and finishes off the bottle. "You didn't leave any for me!" Tommy said angrily.

Dil burps. " All done." He giggled. Tommy tosses the bottle to the ground, then gets a blanket from the bag, covering both of themselves with it. Tommy and Dil try to sleep. Dil, however, sticks his leg out.

"Dil."  Tommy puts Dil's leg back under the blanket. Dil rolls his eyes and then sticks his arm out. "Dil!" Tommy puts Dil's arm back under the blanket. Dil selfishly grabs the blanket from Tommy and covers himself with it.

"My blankie! My blankie!" Dil said.

"DIL!" Tommy scolded.."My blankie! My blankie!"

"I need some blankie, too." Tommy shivered.

Tommy and Dil pull on the blanket on opposite ends in a tug of war fashion.

" Mine! Mine! Mine!"

" Mine!"

"MINE!"  The blanket rips in half, sending Tommy falling into a mud puddle. He briefly looks at his arms and Dil laughs. "Yucky, lookie!" Dil giggled and claps his hands.

Tommy stands up, wiping mud off his face, and glares. He has finally reached his limit as he stomps over to Dil and rants furiously.

"You think it's funny?!" Tommy  angrily asked as he grabs Dil by the pajamas. "Phil and Lil were right! You're a bad, naughty baby, and you're never gonna get any better! I'M THROUGH BEING YOUR BIG BROTHER! I DON'T WANT MY SPONSATILITY NO MORE!"  Tommy angrily tosses his watch against a tree; As it falls, it opens to the photo of Tommy and Dil. Two monkeys look on from nearby trees.

"Monkey! My monkey! Mine!"  The monkeys grin in response to what Dil said.

" You want monkeys? Oh, okay. I'll give you monkeys." Tommy angrily dragging Dil to a tree. " Oh, you'll have a monkey mommy and a monkey daddy and a monkey brother! Oh, I should've let my friends take you back to the hopsicle, but, nooooo, I said, "He didn't mean it", I said.". CJ and Angelica doesn't do this!"  He angrily kicks a mushroom with a frog sitting on it.  "He was only playin!" He furiously kicks a bottle. "Well, I was wrong! Now I don't even have friends and CJ is the only one I had!" He angrily tosses supplies out of the diaper bag; a diaper, a container of baby powder, baby wipes, and a pacifier, which the monkeys curiously grab. Tommy then angrily throws out Cynthia, hitting one of them in the face. Another picks her up and fights over her with a third monkey. " Dil wants monkeys, and monkeys want the nanners. SO, EVERYBODY GETS WHAT THEY WANT! "The monkeys stop fighting to watch.

Tommy angrily brings the baby food to Dil, and in his rage, prepares to use it to cover Dil. He slowly tilts the jar over Dil's head.

"My nanna! My nanna! " Dil looks at Tommy, who looks frightening as lightning flashes above, emphasizing his anger. Dil is suddenly very frightened and his eyes start watering in horror to see Tommy this angry. Tommy looks at his reflection in a puddle and his expression softens to a shocked and scared one, horrified at what he has almost done. Dil clings onto Tommy's shirt, begging for mercy and weeping quietly. "T--T--T--Toto!"

The monkeys look on with genuine sadness as Tommy slowly puts the jar of baby food down and pulls his brother into a hug, both of them shaking.

" I'm sorry, Dil." Tommy apologized.

" Toto..." Dil whimpered. "It's okay, Dil. Everything is gonna be okay." Tommy brings Dil back under the tree, as the camera zooms in to Tommy's watch, which is still on the ground.

In another part of the forest, Phil and Lil pushes a frightened Chuckie on, even though the lightning makes the trees resemble monsters. Then, lightning strikes one of these trees. They all run for cover, with Phil accidentally leaving his blue shoes behind near a fallen tree trunk.

"Phil? Lil? CJ? "  Chuckie sees Phil's shoes, making him exclaim in shock." Aahh! Ohh! Oh. Phil."

"Chuckie?" CJ and Lil asked.

"He always loved climbing on trees. Now a tree's climbed on him."

Lil and CJ were  crying, while they holds Phil's shoes.

"Phil....why did it have to be you? I miss Angelica already..."

" He was my favoritest brother. Speak to me, Philip!"

" Have you guys seen my shoes?"

"Philip! " Lil hugs Phil. " I don't like this adventure anymore, Philip."

"Gosh, Chuckie, this time we really are doomed." Said Phil.

"Doomed! Doomed! Doomed! " Lil and CJ cried, hugging each other.

" Snap out of it, Lilian and Charlotte! We gotta find the lizard!" Said Phil.

"I don't know, guys. If we find the lizard and Tommy doesn't, how's he ever gonna get home?" Chuckie asked.

"What are you worried about him for? He's the one who was gonna let you get eated by a fish!" Asked Phil.

" All he cares about now is baby Dil." Lil added.

"Yeah, well, somebody has to! Don't they?" Chuckie said. "Worried about who?" CJ asked confused.

Back at the tree, Tommy retrieves his watch out in the storm. He holds it and gazes at the photo with a smile. A crack of thunder hits and Tommy hears Dil cry. He places the watch around his neck and goes back into the tree. Dil wails loudly, terrified and homesick. Tommy calms his brother down, tucks him in, and softly sings him a lullaby, similar to what he sung earlier in the film.

"♪Baby, please... rest your head. Soon we will be home in bed.♪" He places the ripped blanket over Dil and fluffs the diaper bag like a pillow. "♪Until then, I'll protect you like no other. You're okay for a little brother.♪"

Dil whimpers a little, with a few tears coming out of his eyes. Tommy holds the blanket's other half and wipes Dil's tears with it. Dil then grabs Tommy's hand, smiling at him.

"My Tommy."

Tommy holds his brother's hands, smiling back at him.

"My Dil."

Dil hiccups. The two are about to fall asleep, when Dil notices that Tommy isn't covered up. He reaches over and grabs the other half of the blanket, and puts it over Tommy. The two of them fall asleep as the camera pulls away upward from the tree, the storm ends and the sky begins to clear.

In another part of the forest, the grownups are still looking for the babies. The Jeep that they were riding in got stuck in the mud.

" Oh, we'll never find them. Can't you do something?" Didi sobbed.

"Come on, baby. Come on!" Margaret told her tracker.

"Sky Pickle to Ground Pickle." Stu's voice on radio.

" Stu, Stu, is that you?" Didi asked as she grabbed the radio.

Stu is now flying in his Dactar glider over the woods.

"Roger that, Deed. We have aerial search!" Said Stu.

As Stu flies, he crashes through a flock of migrating geese, but continues flying on as one goose flies into and gets stuck in his face.

A/n: I thought about Posting this since I had some free time. To be honest with you, Angelica does miss CJ, but she's not going to admit it. There'll be a sweet moment between the two. And a nice one with their parents.

( And as time goes by, CJ will finally see that she likes Phil.)

(Spoiler alert: CJ and Angelica love each other.)

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