A Ride To Outside Space

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Cut back upstairs, where a goat is eating sleeping Grandpa's newspaper. The Rugrats stand and look at the Reptar Wagon.

" Wow!" The twins said amazed. "What is that, you guys?" Chuckie asked, looking at the wagon the twins are looking at.

" Reptar!" Said Lil. " On wheels!" Phil added.

"What do you think it's for?" Chuckie asked. "I don't know." Phil replied as Lil climbs into the wagon. " I bet it could take us to the baby store." Lil said.

"Great idea, Lillian. We could take Dil to the hopsicle and get Tommy's money back." Phil agreed as  Lil climbs out. "Yeah, it's money back bearanteed." Said Lil.

"Guys! Guys, Tommy or CJ is not gonna be happy about this." Chuckie said as  Phil and Lil lug Dil towards the wagon and places him in there. " Well, Tommy's sure not happy now. And pretty sure that CJ or Angelica are." Said Phil

" Well..." Chuckie said, but couldn't come up with anything.

" You watch. Once Dil goes back to the baby store, Tommy will be happy here." Said Phil.

" I don't know about this." Said Chuckie as  Tommy and CJ enters the room.

"Hey guys." Said CJ a little confused. "What are you doing?" Asked Tommy a little shock than CJ was.

"We, uh, actually, Lillian was, uh..." Phil couldn't make a excuse.

"We're taking Dil back to the hopsicle, Tommy. We're gonna get your moneys back." Said Lil as Tommy and CJ look at them in shock, but hurt.

" What?! You can't do that. My mommy and daddy wanna keep him!" Said Tommy. " See? See?" Chuckie told the twins.

"Why? All he does is cry and poop." Said Phil.."Well, so do you." Said Tommy. "I don't cry that much!" Phil said.

"Well, you poop an awful lot!" Said Tommy. "Look who's talking, Mr. Chocolate Pants!"

" I am not a poopie monster!"

CJ covers her ears as   Angelica is in the living room, watching "Shirleylock Holmes", it's about to go to a commercial, when the title sequence for that show is displayed.

Disturbed by the babies' noise, Angelica goes and ask them kindly to make less noise...

"We thought you'd be happy, Tommy!"

"Well, I'm not!"

" Hey, babies minus CJ. Knock it off! Cynthia and me are trying to watch TV!" Said Angelica as Dil sees Cynthia and swipes her from Angelica. "Hey, hands off the merchandise, pinkie."  Angelica and Dil tug at Cynthia, only for Angelica to lose her grip and fall into the crate.

" Pretty good." The twins said as the others smiled. CJ growls and glared at them as she walks over to Angelica to help her up. Angelica being nice, let's CJ help her up as Angelica brushes off some foam peanuts and growls.

"Be nice, Angelica. He didn't mean it." Said Tommy as CJ walks to the Reptar wagon in the back as Angelica grabs Tommy by his collar.

" You wanna ride in a wagon? I'll give you a ride... " Said Angelica as she drops Tommy into the wagon. " to outside space!"  She kicks the Reptar Wagon, hurting her foot. " Ow! And you better take care of my sister!"  Hopping while holding her foot in pain, Angelica hears on the TV that the show is out of commercials. " My show! Next commercial, you babies minus CJ are in big trouble!" She said as she  slams the door..

" All aboard!" Said Lil.

"Ooh! Wait for me!" Said Chuckie as he climbs into the moving Reptar Wagon, which has now left the house, down the street.

"Which way to the hospicle?" Phil asked. "We're not going to the hospicle!" Said Tommy. " Well, we're going somewhere!" Said CJ.

Back at the house, the goat is eating the foam peanuts. A delivery boy for United Express arrives to pick up the crate. Grandpa is still asleep.

"Uh, pardon me. Pickup for Pickles to Japan?" The guy asked.

"Take it away, take it away." Lou said, half sleep.

The delivery boy seals up the crate and carries it out on a hand truck. He tosses a receipt on sleeping Grandpa's lap.

Angelica is watching TV, while outside, Spike barks loudly.

" Pipe down, Spike! Me and Cynthia are watching..." Before she could finish her sentence, she notices that Cynthia is missing. " Cynthia? "Angelica proceeds to the living room. "Nice try, babies. Now gimme back my... "  (Angelica gasped when she sees that the babies, her little sister, and the Reptar Wagon are gone. She only sees Cynthia's shoe on the welcome mat. "CYNTHIA-A-A-A!"

Pull away from front door and pan to Dil still holding Cynthia, as the babies continue drive the Reptar Wagon on the street. They zoom past a car, causing it to veer out of control and crash. The wagon flies down a wooden staircase, nearly hitting an elderly woman, who leaps out of the way. It bursts through the railing and lands back on the street, swerving away from another car, which also crashes with the sound of glass smashing.

back home, where Angelica enters the yard in her "Shirleylock Holmes" costume and skates.

"They took Cynthia, Spike! Come on! You're gonna be my butthound! We gotta search every doghouse, playhouse, tree house and doll house! I want those foogitives back in custardy!" Said Angelica as  Spike runs off, with Angelica in tow. "Whoa! Bad dog! Bad dog! STOP!" Spike doesn't listen and keeps on going.

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