Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Yum

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the babies are floating along in the Reptar Wagon. They play pirates.

"Slob the poop deck, Mr. Phil. Hoist the ankle, number one." Said Tommy.

The Rugrats started to sing.

Tommy: ♪A pirate's life is a life for me!♪

Lil: ♪Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of yum!♪

Chuckie: ♪I get seasick on the sea!♪

Phil and Lil: ♪Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of yum!♪

Phil: ♪Hoist the Reptar flag real high!♪

Tommy: ♪My sword is pointed to the sky!♪

CJ: ♪You need a patch across your eye!♪

Chuckie groans, nauseous.

Lil: ♪From Zanzibar...♪

Phil: ♪...to candy bar!♪

Phil and Lil: ♪Yo ho ho and a bottle of yum!♪

Tommy: ♪We search for treasures near and far!♪

Phil and Lil: ♪Yo ho ho and a bottle of yum!♪

CJ: ♪Beware your ship should cross our path.♪

Phil: ♪We'll shoot a cannon through your mast!♪

Chuckie: ♪Remove your gold baboons by half.♪

Dil: Yo-oh-oh-oh!

Tommy: ♪A pirate's life is the life for me!♪

Phil and Lil: ♪Yo ho ho and a bottle of yum!♪

Chuckie: ♪Adventure on the open sea.♪

Phil and Lil: ♪Yo ho ho and a bottle of yum!♪

The song ends when the wagon hits a rock; this causes Dil and Chuckie to teeter over the edge.

"Dil!" Tommy sees Dil at the edge of the wagon about to fall.

Tommy is able to save Dil, but Chuckie falls overboard into the water.

"Help me, Tommy! " Chuckie notices the water is shallow--it only reaches his hips. He stands up with a relieved smile. Suddenly, he feels a wiggling sensation in his pants and pulls out a fish." Fish!" He yelled.

"Man overboard!" Said Phil as he got the life saver. " Hang on, Chuckie!" Said Lil as she throws a life ring to Chuckie, which he was able to catch. The wagon tows him as if he was water skiing.

" Look at him go!" Phil said as CJ nodded and Lil laughs and Chuckie screams. The twins and CJ got Chuckie back on board.

"Tommy, why didn't you help me?" Chuckie asked as they got him back on the wagon. CJ's plushie is a little wet, but she cuddles it though.

" I'm sorry, Chuckie, but, Dil, he needed me and he's just a-" Tommy said but Phil, Lil, and CJ finished for him.

"Just a baby!" The three said, as the twins made Chuckie fall. CJ helps him up.

"Uh-oh!" Lil said. The Reptar Wagon is approaching the brink of a huge waterfall.

"Hard to port side. Turn! Turn around! Help me, you guys! Help!" Said Tommy as Chuckie , CJ, and the twins grab the wheel and just manage steer the wagon away from the falls. Dil grabs a lever. "Dil, no!"

He pulls it and the propeller lifts out of the water. The wagon swerves toward the waterfall. Tommy switches another lever to steer the wagon away from the falls and onto the bank. The wagon hits a stump, sending the babies flying and they thud to the ground. Tommy's watch falls out of his diaper, but he catches it before it hits the water.

In the Pickles basement, Stu and Chas lower the Dactar glider from the ceiling.

"I knew my Dactar would come in handy. " Stu said as A pully breaks from the ceiling and Dactar Lou; Ow fall towards Grandpa, who hits the deck. Stu and Chas flinch as dust fills the room. "Pop, are you okay?"  The dust settles to reveal Grandpa is sleeping under the wreckage, unharmed. "Oh, Pop."

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