Baby Store

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The babies break out of the playpen.  The walk first before crawling, sneaking passed Lou and Boris. The looked and saw a newborn nursery room. The babies all gasp.

"A baby Store" Said CJ. The babies all walk in and look around.

"Nice and wiggly" said Lil.

"You guys" Said CJ.

" Help me pick one my mom will like"  Said Tommy, finishing CJ's sentence.

Everyone looks around. Chuckie steps on a light, causing the room to be bright.

Where am I?

How did I get here?

Things look different than yesterday♪

So this is the world?

I miss my old womb.

The wallpaper here just ain't the same.

This world is something strange.

I'm wet.

I'm cold!

I need a change!

This world is something new to me.

Oh, my head! What is this? I can't take it!

Me either!

I'm hungry.

I'm tired.

I'm irritated!

But I love the extra leg room.

Man! They cut my cord!

Ohoho, consider yourself lucky

This world is way too big!

And populated by fuzzy pigs.

This world is something new to me.

This world is such a gas.

P.U., where's your class?

This world is something new to me.

2 baby carriers collide with each other as the Rugrats push them around.

Quiet! Can't a guy get some shuteye?!

It’s so noisy in here!

I can barely hear myself suck!

The food here tastes pretty good.

My compliments to the chef.

And you gotta holler to get fed.

But I could get used to that.

The babies cry, Chuckie falls on floor onto a light switch.

This world is way too bright.

Can't somebody turn down the light?

So that's what that thing looks like.

All things here are meant for play,

It's gonna be a real cool day.

This world is something new to me.

This world is something new to me.

Lou and Boris walk in the nursery, seeing the 5.

"There you are." Lou said as he picked up all of them with CJ on his shoulders.

"Oy, gevalt! You kinder gave my ticker such a scare." Said Boris as they all leave the nursery.

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