We're Off To See The Lizard

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Cut back to the babies. Chuckie is crying.

"This is all Dil's fault! Right, Chuckie?" Phil asked, Chuckie didn't know what to say. "Uh, uh! This never would've happened if you hadn't putted him in the wagon in the first place, right, Chuckie?" Tommy spat, looking at his best friend.

"It's not our fault you got a bad, naughty, stinky baby for a brother!" Said Lil, agreeing with Tommy. Chuckie and CJ were getting tired of their fighting.

"He's not naughty. He's just a... he's just a... a baby! How could you be mad just because you're... "  Tommy stops talking when Dil rips a tab on Tommy's diaper and it drops. He looks down, shocked and embarrassed, but he plays it off to defend his brother. The others stare at Tommy's exposure, with Lil in particular giving a peculiar creepy smile before looking away. " ...um... standing there all nakie? I mean, I'm sure he's trying to help. And side's, it's hot, phew, 'sploring in the woods all day. Ah! A little breeze feels good. Just what I needed. Oh, thank you, Dil." Tommy picks up his diaper and Dil hiccups.

"Those hippups are really starting to bug me." Phil said annoyed as Tommy looked at him a little hurt. "Face it, Tommy. Having a baby brother just isn't what you expected." Said Lil.

The babies then see a small house at the bottom of a hill. "Hey, you guys, look. Somebody's house. Tommy was right." Chuckie pointed. " Wow. My sponsatility does work." Said Tommy.

" Yeah, but who'd have a house way out there in the forest?" Asked Phil.

"Maybe a lizard lives there." CJ replied anxiously. " A lizard?" Chuckie asked, rubbing CJ's shoulder a little.

" You know, a big guy with a pointy hat that grants wishes. All's we got to do is knock on the door and say we wanna go home. See? Then everything will be back to norman." Said Tommy.

"Thank, Bob!" Said Phil. " Thank you, Bob." Lil said.

"Come on, guys! We're off to see the lizard!" Said Tommy as he  trips on something. Chuckie goes to help up his friend.

" Oh, Tommy, are you okay?" Chuckie asked.

Tommy: I'm fine. I just tripped in a little hole, that's all.

They see a large animal footprint on the ground. Chuckie is the first to study it.

"Gosh, it looks kinda like Spike's feet; only if he was a giant." Said Chuckie.

" I saw feetprints like that in our storybook. A wolf made them, and then he ate that Little Red Riding girl." Said Phil, CJ nodded, hugging her penguin plushie.

"The wolf ate a girl?" Chuckie asked. "They got her out." Phil replied.

" I don't think it's a wolf, Chuckie. If it was, we'd hear him say..." Before Tommy could say it, a wolf howls in the distance as Tommy prepares to mimic such a sound. He looks around nervously.

" That was pretty good." Said Phil, Lil nodded in agreement.

"I didn't do anything." Tommy said confused as the wolf howls again. The babies start screaming as they all get into the Reptar Wagon and take off.

"Do you see the wolf?" Asked Tommy. "I don't know what he looks like." Replied Chuckie " Teeth! Teeth and fur! And teeth!" Phil said as Dil pulls a lever to make the Reptar Wagon move.

" No, Dil! Bad Dil! No!" Tommy said as CJ hugged her plushie.

We cut to a Disney-esque forest scene, similar to "Bambi", where we see a couple of deer eating off the ground, a pair of chipmunks and rabbits kissing each other, a couple of birds on a branch singing and a raccoon scampering about a squirrel while a skunk looks on. This serene scene is disturbed and the animals run in panic when the babies and the Reptar Wagon crashes on through, this movement obviously being an insult to Disney from Nickelodeon.

( Dude, why is Nickelodeon ripping off Disney right now? And did those pink rabbits just kiss?)

"I am Reptar!" The wagon roars.

We then cut to a forest road, where forest rangers Frank and Margaret are driving around in a Jeep. The radio is playing.

"Margaret? That's your name, isn't it? I'm sure you've run afoul of many a scary pedestrian. But out here, we have what you might call... hmm, how should I put it? Actual danger." Frank said.

" Danger?" Margaret gasped. "Grizzlies that'll rip the top off your car. Bobcats, wolves, wolverines, which are something entirely different." Frank said. Just then, the Reptar Wagon crosses the road in back of them. Margaret turned around and caught a glimpse of it.

"And dragons. Ha!"

Cut to Reptar Wagon.

" Tommy, I sawed some grownups! Stop! Stop!" Chuckie whined as CJ hugged Phil tightly, making Phil hug her back to comfort her.

"I don't know how!" Said Tommy as he pushes several buttons in vain. The Reptar Wagon is barreling toward a cliff at top speed.

" Well, I hope you figure it out, 'cause I didn't bring no bathing suit!" Said Lil.

They all scream. Tommy pulls a lever. The wagon swerves to a complete stop at the edge of the cliff. It teeters forward and pebbles roll into the river far below. The wagon levels out, flinging Tommy to the back seat, leaving Dil at the wheel.
"Any further, and I would've needed a fresh diapie." Phil said as CJ let go of him, having her plushie with her.

Dil plays with the brake. The wheels move and the wagon moves slightly over the cliff's edge.

"Dil, no!" Tommy yelled. Too late, Dil releases the lever and the babies slide down the cliff into the river. As water splashes on them, the bottom of the wagon inflates into a raft, keeping the wagon afloat. The tip of its tail doubles as a propeller.

"Aqua Reptar, engaged." Said the wagon As the babies coast under a wooden bridge, the park rangers drive over it. Fade to ranger station.

"I'm telling you, I saw a dragon." Margaret said. ( Why did I think of Candace from Phineas and Ferb when she said that?)

"Margaret." Frank said.

"A big green, fire-breathing dragon. I've got to call headquarters. " She said as she rushes to the phone.

"While you're at it, you might ask for a new assignment, say, a city park. 'Cause, you see, out here in the country, you have to be just a little tougher."  Frank sees the Reptar Wagon in his telescope. The wagon floats with the current in the water. He screams like a little girl and backs away from the telescope. "AAAH! AAH! THE DRAGON! I JUST SAW IT! I SAW IT!" He screamed.

"Where? Where? " She asked as she looks through the telescope, but the wagon is nowhere to be seen "Where? Here? Where?"

We rejoin the search party. Grandpa finds a clue on the ground.

"Bingo! Lookie here! A wrapper from a Cynthia Sweet bar." Lou said as he held up a wrapper.

" My Angel! She's been here! I wish CJ's trail was here as well." Said Drew as he snuggles on the wrapper, along with CJ's pacifier.

"Yep, I figure she's tracking the sprouts. It's the Pickles' blood. I myself spent 15 days tracking Sitting Bull through the Northwest Territory. The year was 19--" Lou explained but was cut off by Howard.

"Over here!"  Chas and Howard return with news of another clue.

"We found some wheel tracks and baby footprints heading into the woods. Well, actually, Howard found them. Honestly, I saw them." Said Chas. " They must be in my Reptar Wagon." Said Stu.

"It's the perfect children's toy!" " You and your stupid inventions!"  Drew spat at his brother.

My stupid inventions? That's it! Stu said, but sounded more like a thought.

Betty grabs a bullhorn from a policeman and speaks into it.

" All right, the pups are in the woods. You men follow those tracks. We'll head to the ranger station and start the search from there. NOW MOVE! HUT, HUT, HUT!" Betty ordered as Stu, Chas and Lou get into the car.

"Stu, where are you going?" Didi asked. " Trust me, Deed. I have a plan!" Stu said as he drives off.)

( One of the books were unpublished because this, Rugrats in Paris, and Rugrats Go Wild explain some things about CJ, so I can add for the episode.)

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