Meet The Press

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Back at the Pickles' house, which is jam-packed with police cars and news trucks. Stu, Didi and the other parents rush out the door. The reporters and cameramen gang up at Stu and Didi, grilling them with questions.

"There he is!" A reporter says.

"Mr. Pickles, is it true you shipped your own children to Tokyo in a wooden box?" One asked.

"Is it true a dingo ate your baby?" A female one asked.

" Mr. Pickles, how many pecks of pickled peppers did you pick?" One asked.

A helicopter lands in the yard and the crowd scatters. News reporter Rex Pester and his camera man rush up over towards Stu and Didi, shoving the other reporters en route. It shows Rex through his camera.

" Childhood, a time of innocence, a time of joy. A time of unspeakable, unrelenting tragedy. Mrs. Pickles, tell us how it feels to know you may never see your children again."

" Criminy! Can't you pit bulls show some compassion?" Betty asked.

" I'm so sorry. Forgive me." Rex said before looking at Didi. "Please tell us how it feels to know you may never see your children again."

Betty glares. She charges at at Rex. Grandpa and Stu hold her back.

"All right! That's it! Let me at him! All right! Come one! Come on!"

Cut to the interior of Charlotte and Drew's car. Charlotte is on the phone with Jonathan. The car stops at Stu and Didi's house where they see the commotion.

" Hold on, Jonathan. There's an alarming crowd at my in-law's indicating either a yard sale or a family tragedy. Let me get back to you." Said Charlotte as they get out of the car, when Rex hounds sees them.

" Mr. Pickles, how does it feel knowing your brother lost your two daughters?" Rex asked as Drew looked furious.

" HE WHAT?" He asked angrily, worried about his two daughters. "Share your pain." Rex said as Drew's face boils red. He angrily lunges at Stu and violently fights him.

" YOU'RE BREAKING MY ARM!!" Stu yelled.


While the other adults try to break up the fight, Rex goes back to camera. He displays the pictures of the babies, one by one, while incorrectly saying their names.

" And there you have it. 2 sour Pickles and: young Tammy, baby Dale, the twins Bill and Jill, little Chunky, Cow penguin girl BJ, and poor Amelia, all vanished without a trace.I'm Rex Pester, and I'll be back with more "Big Action News"!" Chas rushes over to them.

" Mr. Swenson said he saw Angelica and Spike run through his garden and head north on I-99!" He said.

"My baby! But where's CJ?" Charlotte asked.

" Let's go!" The parents and reporters rush to their vehicles. Grandpa breaks open the front door dressed in his military uniform.

" Private First Class Pickles reporting for duty!" Lou did a salute. Stu shrugs uncertainly at his father's appearance.

" Just get in! Come on!" Said Chas.

The vehicles drive away towards the forest.

Cut back to forest. The babies are pulling the Reptar wagon, with Tommy pushing it and Dil inside.

" Good job, you guys. We're almost there. Good, Dil. Now, play nice." Said Tommy as Dil hits Tommy with his bottle.

" Not much fun back there, is it?" Asked Phil.

" Oh, we're doing okay. That's some good hitting there, Dilly. Said Tommy as Dil hits him again.

"I'm hungry. Right about now my daddy would be making me a fried baloney sandwich. I can almost smell it burning. Ooh, it tastes all crunchy." Said Chuckie.

" Stop it, Chuckie. You're making me hungry. " Said Tommy as Dil hits him again. The babies reach the top of the hill and gasp.

" Oh, no!" Said Chuckie.

" We can't see our houses from here, Tommy." Said Lil.

" We can't see any houses from here." Added Phil.

View of the panoramic forest from the top of the hill.

" We're doomed! Doomed. Doomed, I tell you!" Whined Chuckie.

As a helicopter flies over the woods, Stu and Didi, and the other adults are at the mattress truck accident site. Lt. Klavin finds CJ's cow pacifier on the side of the road.

"Mrs. Pickles, I know this is hard for you, but can you identify this binky?" Lt. Klavin holds CJ's cow pacifier. Stu and Didi gasp in shock.

"That's CJ's..." Said Didi as she took the pacifier. She walks over to Charlotte and Drew, giving them CJ's cow pacifier.

"My baby! Where is she? Where are they? I'm not stopping this search until I find my girls." Said Charlotte as she puts the binky to her heart, hugging it.

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