Gen'ichiro Sanada - Babysit

Start from the beginning

Realizing that he was spacing out in front of her, a small tint of reddish color flushed his cheeks. He cleared his throat and folded his arms, "I'm I early?"

"It's okay."

She gestured for him to go inside. Some unfamiliar aura surrounded the place, maybe because he never went to her place before. He sat on a separate sofa, eyes roaming around.

The whole house is quiet, maybe because her parents already left. But a kid is staring at him, curiosity staining her orbs.

A giggle broke the silence, it was Y/n. She smiled at her boyfriend but looked back at the toddler sitting on the sofa.

"Come here (s/n)," the female called out to the child. The small kid reluctantly walked to her, if she was curious earlier, now she was concerned.

"Don't worry." She reassured the little tot.

"Gen'ichiro, meet my little sister, (s/n)" Y/n introduced her sister who was hiding behind her back, clutching her clothes tightly while glancing at Sanada.

He nodded, examining the kid. Judging by the kid's expression, he knew she was scared. He's not naive, as everybody else pointed it out.

Marui had brought his siblings once for everyone to meet, but it didn't turn out great for him. They were scared because he always puts on a solemn face, therefore he looked unapproachable.

The trickster told him that he should soften up his expression so that kids won't be frightened by him.

And now, everything is just like a deja vu. Her little sister is anxious about his strong presence, and he doesn't know how to put it away.

A small voice called out Y/n's name, she kneeled to hear what her sister is saying, "That old man is scary...onee-chan..."

Although it seems like it was a whisper, Sanada flinched when he heard the word 'old man'. He never wanted his girlfriend to have a bad impression of him, thus he remained stunned in his usual position.

Yet his noticeable flinch caused the older sister to worry.

"(s/n)...! Don't call him old man..." She silently exclaimed, knowing that the tennis player dislikes it when people misunderstood him as an uncle or old.

"I'm sorry!" (s/n) trembled, patting her dress, "But...who is he?"

"Um, you're too young to understand what we are...but he's onee-chan's boyfriend." She shyly explained, causing the teen behind them to blush shades of red as well.

"Boyfriend...? Are you both married like mom and dad?" The child bit her thumb.

"Let's just say, we are like that but were still not married."

The kid nodded, still not getting her point. Y/n giggled at her and ruffled her hair. The kid climbed back to the sofa to play with her doll.


"I'm sorry for explaining it that way if I didn't tell her that, she'll be scared of you." She sheepishly rubbed her arms.

"No, i-it's okay."


"Yeah...I think it's better that way too."

She sat on another sofa beside him, breathing through her nose, "I'm sorry about that. (s/n)...she's a shy girl and as a toddler, she's still innocent."

"It's okay, I really don't mind what she called me earlier."

His girlfriend sensed a lie in his words, she knew he was offended yet that made her smile when he remained calm that moment.

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