Police then swarmed the building and shortly after Batman came out talking with Gordon, officers had Hannah and the man. The Batman then got in the batmobile and he drove me home.

"Jervis Tetch, that's his name. He mind controlled Hannah. The police are now calling him Mad Hatter. He has an obsession with the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. Since Hannah's middle name was Alice and she was a blonde, she was a target."

"I feel so bad for her. That must've been incredibly traumatic. I'm gonna offer her a room at my apartment, I have a few guest rooms after all. At least until she can move out to a new apartment." I said, worry in my voice.

"How did you learn to fight like that?"

"I took, lessons." I smirked, he doesn't need to know. Plus he's batman, he probably knows.

The ride back was silent. I went up to my apartment and went to bed.


After work I made my way to the Asylum for my appointment. I have had a sense of excitement at the thought of going the past few times. I really enjoy it.

Dr Crane makes me feel safe.

Like usual, I checked in and waited in the wait room until he came over or I was escorted. Today I was escorted though. Usually he escorts me unless he is too busy.

The guard knocked on the door, a come in was heard and I went in. "Take a seat." Dr Crane said, writing in a book. "I'm a bit behind today. Long night." He said, finishing his paper then putting it to the side. "If you're comfortable I'd like to work towards working on your past trauma. We'd need to start at your childhood though and go up. It'd be incredibly overwhelming and we will go slow."

"Uh, yeah, okay." I nodded fiddling with my hands.

"I have some medications, very low dose. It will help you uncover memories more, it's simular to your antidepressant which is an SSRI but instead it makes signals stronger for memories. I got a copy of your file and police reports from since you were a baby, aswell as your parents police reports."

"How did-"

"Its for medical reasons, plus I have connections. Now here is one and a bottle of water. I also have a pill to take afterwards, it will slow it down to a manageable level again. I also have Tylenol incase it hurts your head, some of my other patients have had headaches from it, they go away though as you get used to it." He said, passing me the memory bonder and the Tylenol. I quickly took them with the bottle I had with me. "So, starting with when you were a baby, your mother would often come to work with Bruises. Your father would beat her to a pulp to the point she almost passed out, is that correct?"

"Yeah. She and him argued a lot. When he wasn't drinking, at work or arguing with her I was being abused. One time mom had to go away and he locked me in the room until she got back. All I had was my small stash of snacks, which was a few granola bars and cookies. My room stunk from me pooping and peeing my pants since I couldn't use the bathroom. When mom got home and saw what happened she had a fight with her. She got a concussion and then he beat me and made me clean up the mess. I finally got food though." I said, crying from all the memories. It was like one of my ptsd dreams on crack.

"Okay, I think it's time you take this." He then opened my mouth and pit the pill in and got me to swallow it down with water. I balled my eyes out. Things coming back to my memory. It's too much. "We will only do these sessions once a month. So you have around seven appointments between these. I promise you will get better and if you want to stop or skip these appointments, we can."

"Okay." I said, calming down a bit.

"You may need to stay an hour here before leaving, nobody has driven on that pill." Dr Crane said, sorting some files. "You are my last patient for the day so you could stay in here while I do my paperwork."

"Okay, sure." I said, rubbing my head. "My dad beat me so bad I couldn't get off the floor for a day. I was three. It was because I asked him if I could have something to eat. The cupboards were all empty, the stash in my room was empty, the fridge only had beer and milk." I said, now laying on the couch that was in the room. Though I took the pill to slow the bonding process it was still happening and memories were coming back.

Dr Crane then decided that I should write down every important memory I have into a journal each week. I have two so every other appointment I give one to him and get the one I handed in the week before for him to analyze. The swap days are the second appointment of each week. He will spend the appointment before to speak about what I wrote and the memories and we will break it down.

After he finished he said I could drive home and I did my usual stuff like watch the news cook my dinner and go to bed. I ended up having lots of dreams of my childhood.

A/n: Hey guys, I wanna clarify some stuff cause this was sorta confusing if you're not in my mind,

1. Jonathan created a pill which helps makes the neurons and stuff in your brain travel faster. Usually he uses this in his patients before he gives them more fear gas but Y/n got a controlled dose so that she will still trust him and so that Y/n's brain doesn't become mush. I don't think there's any pills like this irl or in the comics I just thought it'd be interesting and make it easier for Dr Crane to Diagnose her and they can work on the trauma

2. Y/n is four years younger than Bruce (27), so she is 23 at the moment. Jonathan graduated early from high-school aswell and became a professor for a few years. He is 25, so younger than Bruce but older than Y/n. Jerome is the same age as Bruce, I plan on introducing a certain character whom will be the same age as y/n. Also Catwoman is a year older than Y/n incase you've forgotten :)

3. The storyline is a mix of different shows and movies I've watched hense the storyline closely follows Batman Begins but also follows Gotham a bit in the sense where Jerome is in it but he's called the joker, looks like Jeremiah, but again there will be 3 jokers in this story, like in one of the comic storylines :)

Have a good day/night y'all

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