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"You're going to be visiting your father today. I know it'll be hard but you need to do it eventually and Jim Gordon already made the appointment." Miss Cassidy said to me while I helped her clean the dishes.


"Like I said you have to eventually, you promised him you would visit once you were fourteen, it's been a few months since you were supposed to."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My mind was now flooding with every bad possibility. What if he hurts me? What if I cry in front of him? What if he's good now? Does he hate me? Does he regret it?

"When do I go?"

"Jim is bringing you to Blackgate in one hour."

"What do I even wear?"

"Wear something that lets him know you're strong, wear a black shirt and black pants or something." She said, her hands held a cloth that she was using to lightly dry the dishes before putting them away.

When I went upstairs I put on a black long sleeved shirt that had a somewhat low neckline, but not low enough to be deemed inappropriate. I wore black cargo pants and Doc Martin's along with a necklace I got from when my mother died. I did light makeup which made me look the smallest bit more mature.

"Y/n he's here!"

"Coming!" I walked downstairs, hugged Miss Cassidy goodbye before getting in the car with Jim.

"If anything happens I'll be right here, okay?"

"You'll be in the car?" I asked sarcastically, we both chuckled a bit before he started driving us to the destination.

The drive was long since we had to go across the city then drive over the bay. Before you crossed there was one security gate, another on the island also.

Once we got there we got out and walked towards the building. We both got patted down, Jim got to keep his weapons since he's an officer.

"Okay so, you'll go in there and take a seat in number three, Mr Cassidy will be there in a few minutes. If anything happens we'll be in the room, don't let anything he says get to you." I nodded back to the guard as I was escorted into the room and to the booth. I slowly calmed myself down until he came in and took a seat.

My father's face was older, more damaged. He looks tired. I can't read his expression at all. I get pulled out of my thoughts when he taps the glass and signals for the phone.

As soon as the phone hits my ear I hear his voice. "Hey kiddo."


"No more daddy?" I just stared coldly at him, I was getting frustrated. "You've aged, you look good kid. If you weren't my kid, and I wasn't locked up maybe I'd," I felt disgusted now, he stopped talking before he said anything more.

"I was told to speak to you on my fourteenth, it's been months since then so I shouldn't even be here."

"Listen kid, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have gone through that stuff. Will I say I didn't enjoy watching you both suffer, no, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it." I shifted in my seat feeling more disgusted by the minute. "I bet I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for your mother. You look a lot like her, makes me more excited for when I get my trial to see if I can get out. I've got some friends who can get me good lawyers."

"You're fucking sick!" I said loudly but not enough for guards to come over.

"I heard about you getting bullied a few years back. Kinda wish it was me who got you in that state."

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