Gakuto Mukahi - Runaways

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"Woah! You too?! We're the same!" Mukahi exclaimed, astonished by the coincidence.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Because I'm not alone!"

"Huh? May I ask? Why did you run away?"

"Oh, my dad and I fought, I was just using my phone peacefully then he just scolded me out of a sudden! It pissed me off so instead of having a lengthy argument, I ran away."


"And I can't stay at Yuushi's house anymore because it'll be the 13th time. Hey, hey did you receive my e-mail? I e-mailed you!"

"I...haven't checked my phone yet..."

"I see, oh wait, why did you run away too?"

"My parents want me to get engaged so...I got mad."

"Aren't you too young for that?"

"I know! If they did that, I won't be able to like the person I seriously like."

"You can use me! Tell them we're married! We even have the fake certificate remember?"

"That marriage booth? Urgh." She smiled, reminiscing that idiotic time when she and Mukahi got paired, students forcing them to marry each other.

"Oh! You smiled! You smiled!"

"You're like a kid, Mukahi."

"I don't want to go home yet, wanna walk around?"

"Um...I don't mind."

"Ah, I know a place where they sell delicious wataame! It's just near here in the park."

"But I don't have money."

"Eh? Then let's share."

"Is that okay?"

"Just make it up with me, okay?"


"Let's go!"

He happily marched, Y/n chasing after him. She is quite thankful that she bumped into him, especially at this place. There might be some flirts wandering around, and she's afraid of being alone.

"It's still open!"

He quickly sprinted to the store. Since the park is now empty, no customers are buying the wataame, thus they will not waste any more time lining up in a queue.

"Good evening, our wataame is delicious, will you try some?" The old man grins, showing the fluffy sweetness underneath the glass.

"Yes, you only have two left?"

"Yeah, well since both of you came and there's these two wataame waiting, perhaps I'll just give it to both of you for free."


"That's great! Then I don't need to make it up to you next time!"


"Hahahaha! Yes. Both of you are a couple as well, so take it."

"Thank you!"

Y/n blushed at the vendor's statement, she took the sweet and pulled Mukahi's sleeve, startling him.

"You could've at least denied it!"

"Hm? Denied what?" He asked innocently, taking a bite at the food he was holding.

"That we're not a couple?"

"What do you mean? We're married!"

"That's a fake marriage."

"Tsk, you don't like being paired with me?"

Y/n stared at his face, he is pouting as if he was a kid that got his balloon stolen. She sighed and giggled softly.

"It's not that, okay? I don't know how to explain it anymore..."

"Y/n~" He whined.

She chuckles. Mukahi really never fails to keep her worries away, he's fun to be with whereas he always acts like a kid. It's adorable, no wonder why there are a lot of girls like him.

Somehow, she wishes that they won't go home and stay like this.

After they ate their food, they both goofed around while also having a chat. Then, Mukahi suddenly yawned and rubbed his eyes, passing the yawn after Y/n. She looked around and the city lights are now off, a sign that it was already midnight.

"Did we stay out that long...?"

"I guess so. Ah, I'll take you home, we live near each other anyways."

"Oh, okay."

They journeyed back to their own houses. Mukahi is now tired yet he keeps talking and talking, keeping the female entertained.

"Then we saw Atobe begging! Can't you believe it?! He even proclaimed himself that he's a king now he's begging?!"

"He's begging?! For what?"

"For who! He's begging for a girl not to leave him and quoted some cheesy lines!"

"That's new."

"He even threatened us that he'll kick us out of the regulars if we told others about it!"

"He's always so overbearing."

"I know right? Ah, your house."

She breathed out air and faced Mukahi, thanking him again.

"But...won't your parents be mad?"

"Nah, they're used to it already."

"Maybe they're also worried you know!"

"Y/n, you're loud, don't shout!"


She flinched upon hearing her parents shouting her name. They opened the gate and quickly hugged her.

"Gosh, we're so worried! We're really sorry, Y/n. Ah, he? Oh! Maybe he's the reason why you don't want to get engaged?"


"Yes ma'am, sir. We're married." Claimed the lad, causing Y/n's blood to rush on her rather plump cheeks.


"I see... Ah, you're the young man who always walks Y/n to school and from school, right? Well, go home safely, okay?"


They went back in and her parents apologized, she delightfully forgive them. The heavyweight she felt in her chest lightened as they can finally understand her. At the end of the day, they realized that they were wrong too.

She jumped on her bed and looked at her phone that has been flashing since earlier.

Mukahi's name was the first one in her inboxes that appeared. She opened it and a smile flickered on her face.

'From: Mukahicchi (≧◡≦)
Subject: Runaway

I never thought that running away is fun not until both of us crossed paths today. I'm happy that I saw you in that park!

Just like you said, my mom is worried and I got scolded a bit! She also called Yuushi and others if ever I passed their houses.

I hope we can do this again next time, not because of us running away.

Well then, good mornight!'
· 01:06



Btw, "Wataame" is a Japanese cotton candy. It's big and fluff fluff.

The Prince Of Tennis // Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن