... & Lessons

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"How is Padawan Skywalker doing in his classes?" Master Windu asked the Jedi Master in front of him, she taught the civics course and they had put her in charge of Anakin's follow-ups because of her previous experience as a crèche master.

"The speed he has picked up Kel Dorian is outstanding," Jedi Master Kim praised. "He clearly had a base in vocabulary, things he had picked up... on the streets, but no grammar or spelling. Which he now utilizes perfectly for a beginner." Many Masters of the Council frowned at the reminder of poor Anakin's past. "He is excelling in his biology and basic healing course, and is always willing to aid in the Healing Halls for some experience." Now the Council members smiled at the good heart of the padawan. Master Plo, even puffed his chest proudly. "When it comes to his lightsaber technique his teachers can't stop singing him praises. From what they are saying he could be the next Master Windu. They even pointed out that when he grows up, he could pick up Vaapad if Master Windu and Master Plo agree. They seem sure that he would exceed in that form. For now though, he seems to have taken to the Form V like a fish to the water. Both variants, Shien and Djem So. He seems to take after his master in that area."

No one could see his smile under his mask, but Master Plo's joy could be felt through the force because of how pure and bright it radiated, earning smiles from his fellow council members. "I do not mind, but only after he constructs his own lightsaber," Master Windu turned to Master Plo, who nodded back gratefully.

"What about his character? Does he show superiority towards his fellow padawans?" Master Ki-Adi-Mundi interrogated suspiciously, ignoring the various disgruntled looks that turned his way. He had voted not to allow him in the order and he continued to stand for his decision.

"Not at all!" Master Kim exclaimed affronted. "He is always up for a spar and to help his fellow padawans improve their skill. Madam Nu can even tell you that he uses the Temple Archives for his study groups to study for tests or do homework. Thanks to that his class is the top of the year."

"Those study groups are not only for his courses, but also to learn more about each other's cultures!" Master Plo added excited and proud.

"Good, that is," Grandmaster Yoda praised with a hum. "Community, it created. Family."

"How did it turn out like that?" Master Kim inquired curiously. "And why is that none of us thought of study groups until now?"

"That's how he learned all the languages he knows," Master Plo answered. "In... the slave pits, the slaves shared knowledge for survival. He seems to be doing the same here."

"And it's working," Master Shank smiled. "An outsider perspective was much needed in the Order," she sent a superior look at Ki-Adi-Mundi who sat in silent rage.

"Change, the Order needs," Grandmaster Yoda's agreement stopped the upcoming fight and had many turn to him in surprise. "Continue, you must, Master Plo"

"Right," Plo coughed, shaking his head in surprise. "As for sharing their cultures, did you know that the padawans do not know much of the world they come from and its culture?"

"What? How is that possible?" Master Fisto exclaimed surprised.

"It seems that the confusion about the attachment rule has even reached our younglins," Master Plo answered quite saddened, just like he had felt when his padawan had come to him with this. He had also felt happy and proud that Anakin had felt safe enough to come with him about it. "My Padawan was inconsolable, thinking that he was doing something wrong by celebrating his religion and culture."

"Distressing, this is," Yoda's ears lowered, showing his sadness.

"I remember that!" Master Kim exclaimed. "I had to spend a whole class explaining that respecting the culture and religion you were born with was accepted by the Jedi Order. That discussion had come up because of Padawan Skywalker's distinctive garments."

"His clothes?" Master Shaak tilted her head confused. "They are colorful, but not that different from the normal Jedi robes."

"In Tatooine, slaves wore grey and muted colors," Master Plo explained gently. "However, once a slave was freed they start wearing saturated colors to express themselves, something they had not been allowed before. My padawan uses white and blue, the colors of the Skywalker Clan."

"I did not know that," Master Depa commented. "That's a beautiful tradition. We must make sure the younglings from now on know about this. Also, we need to make sure the padawans, knight, and masters did not get confused either."

The rest of the Counsel nodded in agreement, while Master Ki-Adi-Mundi steamed, disliking that the upstart kid was getting so much praise. "What about the rest of the courses?" Master Ki-Adi-Mundi barreled in frustration, not noticing Grandmaster Yoda's frown when he turned to look at him.

"Well, it's quite clear Padawan Skywalker is a science kid," Master Kim reported with a chuckle, making Master Ki-Adi-Mundi smirk in victory and Yoda's frown deepen. "He is still at the top of the class, he does absorb knowledge like a sponge. But everyone could notice a lack of... interest."

"We can't fault him for that," Master Depa replied. "We all have our likes and dislikes. As long as he keeps doing his work and does well in class, it should be fine."

"That's the thing! I was teaching the class wrong!" Master Kim exclaimed, earning a startle look from the Council. "My apologies."

"Master Kim came to me with her concern and we approached Anakin together," Master Plo waved her apology away with a chuckle. "It seems that Anakin could not get engaged because he felt like it was all very... fantastical"

"Fantastical?" Master Depa inquired.

"He comes from the outer-rim, the Republic's influence does not reach there," Master Windu sighed. "No laws, order, or structure. They live by the law of the survival of the fittest."

"Which is why now his projects are based on the social, economic, and law structure of the outer-rim planets. It's history and culture." Master Kim explained. "He is much more engaged now. I believe you should read his essays, it might help our outreach programs there... especially, when the Senate tries to block our work there."

"Read them, we will," Grandmaster Yoda agreed. "Next, Force Courses."

"The Living Force Philosophy teacher loves him!" Master Kim chuckled. "Most students just repeat the code or quote Jedi Masters without understanding what they are saying. Padawan Skywalker is constantly asking "Why this?", "Why that?", "Why this way?", pushing his class to question things. She had to start sending the material for them to read on their own and then discuss it in class. Sometimes I have to come in and remind them that the class was over, because they were still absorbed in their philosophical debate!"

"Eager to learn, they are," Grandmaster Yoda smiled delighted by this. "Good. Happy, it makes me."

"As for his Precognition Course, most students take it to fulfill their two force related courses that are required," Master Kim's smile turned thoughtful. "But you knew, didn't you?" She turned to Master Plo.

"I had my suspicion," Master Plo replied, "Has it been confirmed?"

"Confirmed what?" Master Ki-Adi-Mundi asked, suspiciously.

"Padawan Skywalker is a future Seer," Master Kim's answered brought a deep silence to the room, as she received various looks of disbelief. "A rare gift and powerful on the young padawan, by what his teacher has told me."

"His mother told me tales of how he would dream something and wake up by the force telling him it was real," Master Plo informed the Council grimly. "They always came true."

"Important, it is," Grandmaster Yoda said with a thoughtful frown. "An eye. on Padawan Skywalker we should keep. Less, in the future, he gets lost. Meditate on this, I must."

They all need.

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