Mandalore III

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As Padme had returned to Naboo with Obi-Wan, Anakin, Barris, and Ahsoka to discuss the leave from the Republic with the Queen. Korkie had decided to accompany Shmi to oversee the various factories in the outer-rim and wild space. Because of what an important figure she was, she had been given the protection of a Jedi Master, a Jedi Knight, and a whole batallion from the Protection Corps.

Korkie and Shmi surely felt quite safer with Quinlan Voss, Aayla Secura, and the 327th with them. Especially, with the rumors going around of a new Pirate Queen taking control of the planet Rattatak, after going to battle and crushing the Weequay raiders.

"The Shadows network say that it is a Sith that took control of the planet," Quinlan shared in the Control Center of the Acclamator. "However, they call her the Ungolden Sith."

"The Ungolden Sith?" Shmi repeated confused. "What does that mean?"

"It means that she does not have golden eyes," Quinlan answered.

"That makes no sense," Aayla shook her head. "Golden eyes are the sign of the Sith."

"How can they call her a Sith if she does not have gold eyes?" Korkie asked, all of this being quite new to him.

"Well, Asajj Ventress is a Sith... or used to be," Quinlan replied, bringing them to a startled silence. Their shock loud in all the quiet. "After her battle with our Vixen in Kamino, she disappeared. Neither us or the Separatists could find her. She then appeared again in Rattatak and conquered the planet. She was vicious in putting down the crime rates and pirates. But she has made the planet safer and banned slavery."

"Should we get involved?" Bly inquired, looking as lost as everyone else felt.

"She is no longer a Sith or involved with the Separatists. Rattatak is a Neutral Planet, so there is no reason to get involved." Quinlan answered with a shrug. "But the Jedi Council wants to know how her eyes are no longer gold and how her lightsaber is now white."

"Leaving the darkside should not be possible," Aayla frowned.

"Yet she did it," Korkie pointed out.

"Nothing is ever impossible," Shmi stated with confidence. "Anything is possible in life. Just look at what we have achieved! Everyone thought that slavery could not be ended, but we are so close!"

"Lady Shmi is right," Bly agreed, smiling brightly at Aayla. "We all thought we would always be meat droids... but we were given hope and with that belief, things changed."

The good mood in the Control Center got interrupted by the upcoming call from an unknown ship. Carefully, Aayla, the ship's General, accepted the call. As if summoned by the Force, Asajj Ventress appeared on the screen. No gold in sight in her eyes. "Hello. General Secura, right? Knight Skywalker's friend," Ventress comment had everyone tensing. "Darth Maul has his sights on you. He wants Lady Skywalker and Skywalker Corporation's weapons to aid him conquer Mandalore."

"Mandalore?!" Korkie was on his feet, agitated by the mention of his home planet. "What would a Sith wane with a pacifist planet?!"

Ventress looked at the boy with an uninterested expression. "He has killed Pre Vizla and is now in possession of the dark saber."

"The Deal Watch is being lead by a Sith?" Korkie paled, as his legs buckled and he was forced to sit down.

"Osik!" Bly swore.

"Darth Maul was killed during the invasion of Naboo by Obi- Wan," Quinlan crossed his arms over his chest. Ventress looked more interested in him than anyone else in the Control Center. "How is a dead man the Mandalore?"

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