Clone Wars III

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Cody watched on as his General and wife got anstier as time passed on. The 501st was coming home to Coruscant today and General Skywalker's partners had come to see him, after six months that they've been apart.

Cody did not know Senator Padme that good, but he knew his General had missed his husband like a lost limb. I really need to stop calling him General outside of when I'm on duty, Cody thought. He is my vode now.

The 212th had been adopted by Lady Shmi as well as the 501st. The only difference was that while the 501st had taken the Skywalker last name, the 212th took their General's maiden name. The Kenobi line lived on, through them.

The 212th and 501st were not the only ones that had gotten adopted. Plo Koon could have not been faster when he had adopted the 104th and they adopted the Koon last name in honor of their kind buir. The 327th adored their General Secura with all their hearts, especially Bly. However, she was too young to adopt them. Luckily, her master-teacher was not. They now wore the Vos last name with pride. Even Mace Windu adopted his battalion. Fox and the ones staying in Curoscant got taken in by Master Shaak.

There were various stories like that. The vode now had a family beyond them and got a home beyond Kamino and the long necks. It warmed Cody's heart and gave him hope.

"Ani!/Dear heart!" Cody got startled from his thoughts as his General and Senator Padme rushed tow­ards their husband, who received them with a wide smile.

"Is that our General?" Boil asked as stunned as Cody felt, watching their usually calm and collected General, make out with his husband in the middle landing pad.

"At least you did not catch them while they were having holo-sex," Rex commented in amusement. Laughing when he earned various looks of horror from the 212th. "Yeah, my General has a thing of watching his spouses get at it."

"Stop!" Cody pleaded with his vode. "You've become quite cruel Rex'ika. At least, you are no longer afraid of having General Skywalker as your superior."

"He is vode," Rex replied firmly, being echoed by the 501st, earning surprised looks from the 212th. "Fox was right, we are lucky to have him."

"I see," Cody smiled, before gasping. "Is that the bad batch?" Cody asked Rex surprised, as he noticed who were the vode taking with the Generals and senator.

"They are new part of the 501st." Rex answered, puffing his chest proudly. "Ani'ka took us to collect them on our way here, which is why we were a little late."

"That's great!" Boil exclaimed happily.

"Come on, you all must be tired," Cody said. "Six months on the feild... let's get you to the Protection Corp Headquarters to rest."

"Great!" Jesse sighed. "I love the work we've done, but Iam glad we've got a month off."

"It's been tirering, but worth it," Kit agreed with his vode.

"We freed slaves and got good food in return!" Hawk exclaimed excitedly. "We got legumes, friki! Not to mention, spices from Tatooine! Ani'ka made sure to make various traditional plates of his homeworld. We get one warm plate a day and even a sweet to munch on!"

"Only eating those ration bars once a day is great for the morale, for sure," Jesse agreed with his fellow lieutenant.

"You guys get food other than rations?!" Boil whined. "Lucky! Why don't we too?"

"Because no one can cook in the 212th," Cody replied drily. "And if we leave it to General Kenobi we might end up with the Negotiator in flames."

As the troopers laughed and joked on their way to the Protection Corps Headquarters, Obi-Wan and Padme had dragged Anakin to their senatorial apartment.

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