Chapter 1

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She tried to move her body,but she couldn't.

"Is it because I'm dead?"

"Doctor,there's a movement in her body.Her fingers are moving".

She heard someone shouting near her.

"Wait,Doctor?Am I in the hospital?"

She slowly opened her eyes.Her throat was dry.She couldn't utter a word.She saw few doctors and nurses rushes to her and examine her body.She thought maybe her uncle arranged them to check up on her.

"Your daughter is fine.You don't have to worry" the doctor said to the middle aged man who was staring at her with tears in his eyes.


A middle aged lady came to her "Anjali,how can you do this?When you commit suicide why don't you think about us".

She thought "What is happening?Who are they?"

That lady continued,"Do you know how your father felt when he heard the news about you tried to commit suicide"?

Father?But I didn't have a father.My parents died in a car accident.And suicide?I was stabbed.But what are they saying?

"Doctor what happened to my sister?It's seems she is not recognizing us" a man in mid twenties asked the doctor in panic.

I have a brother too?I am starting to feel dizzy.

Doctor examined her once again and told them "I think she have a temporary memory loss.Just give her sometime,she will be back to normal.I will go check other patients excuse me" and the doctor left the ward.

"Are you okay?Do you know who Iam?" the middle aged man asked her.She blinked twice to recall but in her memories she was confused to see this middle aged man who claimed to be his daughter.

"Why Iam here?I was supposed to be dead.I was stabbed to the chest by my best friend,but here Iam being alive.How is that possible?Did someone took me to the hospital and saved my life.But why are they calling me as daughter and sister.Why did they call me in a different name" I thought in my mind.

Suddenly a thought occur to my mind.

"Excuse me do you have a mirror with you?" I asked the middle aged lady.She nodded her head and took a small mirror from her hand bag and gave it to her.

I inhaled deeply before looking my reflection on the mirror.The girl looking at me from the mirror is not me.It was somepne else.

"That's not me,she's not me"

I throw the mirror on the bed and saw the calendee on the wall.It showed year 2023

How is that possible?It should be 2021,but how it's 2023?

Unless,I was born into another body.

I tried to relax and focussed on what's happening and how reborn is really possible.Is it real or it's my dream and then I slept on the bed in the hospital.

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