Grace chuckled as she stalled for time, "Only a few things."

"May I pick them out?" Taylor's cheeks turned to a smile, "I would love to dress you."

"It will make you happy?"

"So happy, sweetheart."

"No Prada. I mean it."

"We'll see," Taylor started to hang up the first top as Grace put her knickknacks on the dresser, "I think we should put the painting above the bed."

"The painting?"

"The one we made on Valentine's Day," Taylor hummed, "I know you didn't forget the painting."

"Where is that?" Grace realized she hadn't seen it. Taylor took it to get stretched on a canvas and then Grace never saw it again. She had never got to see it completed.

"It's in my room in Nashville but I can have it brought here," the singer explained quietly, "What do you think about that?"

"Whatever you decide, darling. It's your apartment," Grace lined her items up in a straight line. It bothered her a lot when things were in disarray.

"It's our apartment, we decide," Taylor corrected.

Grace looked over at her and fought a smile, "I suppose it would look good above the bed."


It didn't take even close to two hours to unpack all of Grace's things. Taylor went ahead and changed out some of the photos on the wall to include pictures Grace had in one of the boxes. There was even a picture of little Gracie and Taylor in there and Taylor had no idea when Grace had found the time to get it printed out.

She also wasn't aware that Grace and Michael had been sending middle fingers to their parents for weeks, but what she didn't know didn't hurt her.

Grace picked out her clothes for the next day, Taylor was going to let her use her laptop for work until her company (Taylor) supplied one arrived. She had no idea what they had in store for her yet but she was over the moon excited to sink her teeth into something more exciting than budgeting for lumber.

"May I make you dinner as a thank you?" The former heiress inquired when she found Taylor in the living room. She didn't realize until Taylor turned to look at her that she was on the phone, "Sorry."

"All good, it's just mom," Taylor said, holding the phone only a few inches from her mouth, "Do you want to say hi?"

"Not particularly, no," she was scared of Taylor's mother after listening to the new album. In her mind, that was far too much information on their sex life for Andrea to know, never mind the general public, but she had given Taylor the go ahead to write what she wanted long ago and wasn't going to stand in the way of that.

"Okay. Grace says hi," Taylor laughed a little, "My mom says hi back and says congratulations on the new job."

"Thank you," Grace pursed her lips awkwardly and promptly left the room. She opened the fridge and saw pink sticky notes on many of the items, which was odd. Grace had been avoiding Taylor's kitchen until she dumped the alcohol, but even then, Taylor had been ordering in or bringing her coffee in bed.

It was when she began to examine them that she realized they were covering the nutritional facts. That was new and because she knew Taylor, she knew what that meant.

She left them on there and opened the freezer to find the same thing. It only took her a second to find the stack of blank sticky notes in the junk drawer. Grace took the pen and wrote a message on one, sticking it on the door handle of the refrigerator.

I love you forever, no matter what.

Then, Grace found a package of dry spaghetti noodles and a jar of pasta sauce in the back of the cupboard. Amber had taught her how to make spaghetti and she was going to take a chance and try to make it on her own.

She had spent enough time watching Taylor go around various kitchens with ease that she felt it couldn't be that hard. She boiled the water, put the noodles in and heated the sauce in a small pan off to the side.

When Taylor came in because she could smell it from the other room, she looked at the pots curiously, "You're actually cooking for me?"

"I am attempting to. You did say I would have to cook on your busy days."

"You are the best," the blonde kissed Grace's cheek. She took a glass from the cupboard and was about to fill it up from the fridge's water dispenser when she plucked the note off and read it.

She didn't say anything, but she placed it at eye level on the door instead of the handle and filled the glass up.

"Tay?" The brunette began, "You can talk about it if you need to."

"I'm good, baby," Taylor looked down at the kitchen floor when it fell quiet, "Are you going to find a meeting after dinner?"

"Not today, honestly I'm tired after that drive. Are you able to have a quiet night instead?" Grace hoped the answer was yes. She wanted to curl up on the couch and watch movies until her brain rotted— anything to get that time with Taylor.

"For you yes, always," Taylor watched the younger woman stir the plain sauce, "Did Amber teach you how to make spaghetti?"

"Yes, I boil noodles. Mix in sauce... Then eat."

"Can I reteach you how to do it, please?" Taylor couldn't stand watching it any longer. It had only been a minute but she knew if she didn't correct that habit soon, she'd spend the rest of her life eating bland noodles.

"What's wrong with it?" Grace knit her eyebrows together.

"I've had Amber's cooking..."

After eating food that actually had some taste to it, Grace did the dishes while telling Taylor all about the method she learned on YouTube and Taylor couldn't believe how much she had missed while Grace was upstate. Grace was teaching herself life skills on YouTube and that just wouldn't do.

Taylor showed her how to load the dishwasher and Grace made a comment about that being a lot less work. They then picked a movie on the couch after Taylor wrapped her arms around Grace snugly, she fit like a puzzle piece.

It was only five minutes into the movie that Taylor realized Grace had fallen asleep. She was so comfortable that she had just closed her eyes, finally somewhere that felt like home.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now