"Well, being a part of a criminal defense lawyers team means I'm constantly supporting the bad guys. When Anna was first starting, my intern years were filled with police work and prosecutors work and I loved helping because I felt like I was doing good in the world. The bigger she became the bigger cases she got and then when I passed my bar exam she switched to a defense lawyer. I followed her obviously, she was my mentor. But slowly I realized I couldn't help the criminals anymore." I sigh but his face shows no signs of discomfort, in fact I can tell he's intently listening.

"I understand now. And that's exactly what I'm looking for. Compassion. It's easy to teach or learn the law and what you need to say to win a case but compassion is what wins hearts and makes people feel at ease. Keeps them coming back." He says I nod listening.
"I want to expand my business. I would like to take on tv and movie legality and I think you'd be a great fit. You can work under me until you pass the bar next January." He says

"Oh I'm taking it in April"

"That's only 3 months away."

"Don't believe in me already?" I ask and he laughs

"No I actually like a go getter, goal setter. So, will you join Me?"

"Well I am employed right now. I'd have to give my two weeks, and what about salary."

"So quit and join me. And salary starts at 80,000k but when you pass the board and become partner it'll be raised." He says and I nod. That's less than I was making with Anna and Anthony but more than enough to start.

"Can I have some time to think about it." I ask

"24 hours. I'm a busy man and I need your expertise now. Anna said I could trust you and count on you. Right?"

"You can sir. Let me just talk it over with my wife. Please"

"24 hours y/n. Here's my card. I hope to hear from you before 3 tomorrow." He says getting up leaving cash for the bill before walking out.

We didn't even get our food...and he ordered food! The waiter comes over and I ask him make the order to go and add some more meals for Scarlett and Rose and wait for that to be done.

This is a great job. Could potentially be an excellent opportunity. And it's what I wanted right? I wanted to get back in the court room and this is my chance to help people. I can be a prosecutor. Sure you were trained to be a defense shark but you also know how to work a jury very well. You're a great talker and you know how to counter well. You can do this. I need to talk to Scarlett.

Walking into our home I'm greeted by a little human crashing into my legs.

"Hi mama. You look nice" rose says while hugging me

"Thanks flower, I got us dinner" I say and she follows me to the dining table where I place the food.

"Wheres mommy?"

"In the back with Flo and Lizzie. They have a lot of paperwork by them I don't want to distract them" she says. Crap I hope I got enough food.

"Want to help me make them a food platter so they can eat and work?" I ask and she smiles jumping up and down.

"Okay my sous chef lets get started"

I take out a platter and some little plates while Rosie opens the bags for me. She helps me put the different meals on the tray and I grab the tray with some drinking glasses while rose grabs the pitcher of lemonade.

"Hey girls!" I say enthusiastically and see Scarlett jump up.

"Baby! I didn't know you were home!!" She says and helps me out the platter down before hugging me tightly.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now