Chapter fourteen, the wake

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I saw visions and pictures in my head.

They were of Bruce.

They were of Gotham.

They were of Harley.

I saw Bruce on the ground wearing his batsuit, dead. Pieces of the suit were gone, he was full of cuts, scratches, and bullet holes. A giant pool of blood surrounded him. Two people walked up to his body.

They were Scarecrow, and some other guy. The glass vials on Scarecrow that were usually filled with his fear toxin were completely empty. The other guy took out a powerful Tac .50 cal. pistol and took aim at Bruce's head.

He shot the dead body multiple times before walking away with Scarecrow. A moment or two later, Bruce's mask cracked and fell off to reveal the bruised and beaten face of the former multi-billionaire bachelor playboy.

I put my left hand over my mouth as the image changed. This time, I was standing on top of the clocktower roof looking over the destroyed city of Gotham. It was a wasteland. The tallest of buildings were now rubble, the former citizens of Gotham were dead, and were in piles of bodies in the streets. Flames, explosions, and smoke filled the air, and it was unbearable to look at.

I felt a rumble under my feet, and noticed the clocktower was being demolished. It jerked downward, and started falling into a giant pile of rubble. I fell off the roof and straight toward the ground.

Just before I hit the ground, The image changed again.

I saw Harley laying down on the cold asphalt, face down, and full of soot. She was beaten up, and barely breathing. I tried to walk up to her and help her, but I couldn't move. All I could do was stand and watch as she died a painful death. She rolled onto her back as someone I couldn't recognize walked up beside her.

He was wearing body armour that was painted black with a little bit of red. He wore a helmet that lit up blue. He took off the helmet to reveal the guy from the other vision, he was the Arkham Knight. He threw the helmet onto the ground, grabbed a gun from his thigh strap and took aim at Harley's head.

He cocked the slider and put his finger on the trigger. Hesitantly, he pulled it, and the bullet bursted through Harley's face, and blood spattered all over the ground behind her. Her head shot back violently and hit the ground hard. A few moments passed and a pool of blood surrounded her body.

As her body lay motionless, I felt as if I needed to cry. But I couldn't.

Opened my eyes and looked around the room. Even with it completely blurry, I could tell that I was in a hospital room. I felt someone holding my hand beside me.

I looked at them and saw that they were sobbing their eyes out. "You can't die! You better not die! Please come back! You need to come back!" I heard them pleading through their sobs.

"Harley." I barely managed. She looked up at me, and her face lit up like a christmas tree.

"Ly-a!" She shouted, and wiped away her tears. I smiled weakly and she shot herself onto me, and hugged me tightly. "I--I was starting to give up on you!" She told me, and I stopped smiling.

"Give...up?" I used all the strength I had left to push out those two words.

"Ly-a, You died." She told me, and tears formed in her eyes. My face dropped and I looked at the back wall.

"How...long?" I asked her weakly.

"Almost a week and a half." She regretfully told me, and I tried to sit up, but couldn't move at all due to the immense pain in my torso. She gently pushed me back into my bed and stood up.

"You're going to have to stay here for a few more weeks." She told me and walked toward the door and closed it. "Ly-a, I couldn't bear being at the clocktower without you. I would have to cry myself to sleep every night for the last week and a half, because you were here, dead. I wouldn't be able to survive without you. You're my only friend in these times, and I don't know what I'd do without you." She said and sat back down on the chair beside my bed.

She leaned over and hugged me. As she pulled away, I stopped her in front of my face. Her face was only four inches from mine, and we were staring into each other's eyes. She leaned in closer, and my breathing slowed, as my heart started beating faster, which hurt a little bit.

Within a heartbeat, our lips crashed together and I closed my eyes slowly, when I found us kissing. I put my hand on the back of her head and pulled her onto the bed. She hesitated before wrapping her arms around me and put her legs up on the bed. I brought my hands down her back and rested them on her butt, and she didn't object.
A few weeks had passed and Harley came to visit me everyday within those weeks. When I finally got out of the hospital, Harley drove me back to the clocktower. When I arrived, I was greeted by an older man, who was probably between his sixties and eighties.

"Ly-a, this is Bruce's butler, Alfred." Harley said as she walked into the door and held it for me. I looked at Alfred as I walked by and said 'Hi'. Harley led me to the elevator and clicked the top floor button. The engine whirred to life and brought us to the top floor.

We entered the room at the end of the small hallway and the lights were off. I turned them off, and was surprised by the outcome. There were streamers everywhere and a banner hanging up that read 'Welcome Back!'

I saw Bruce and Barbara at the other side of the room. Barbara awkwardly waved and I scowled at her and walked toward Bruce.

"What's this?" I asked him, and he shrugged.

"Just something we all put together five minutes ago to welcome you back. Harley called and told us about the news. I'm happy that you're okay." He told me, and I put my hand on his shoulder and thanked him. I walked over to Barbara with an angry look on my face.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked her angrily. She lowered her head and apologized. "That's not good enough." I told her. "You killed me."

"Whoa, calm down, she was being mind controlled by Mad Hatter. We took him down, you don't have to worry about happening again." Bruce interrupted before I snapped. "She had no idea what she was doing."

I slapped her across the face as hard as I could. "I deserve that." She said, and I scoffed.

"You deserve way worse than that." I told her and I walked away. I went to get into the elevator, but I was interrupted by a blaring alarm. I rushed toward the computer next to Bruce, Harley, and Barbara, and saw on the screen that the Arkham Knight was doing a raid on GCPD.

We rushed toward the training room and put all of our equipment on. I put on my armour, and white mask, Harley put on the kevlar suit I had given her, Bruce put on his batsuit from the first Scarecrow invasion last year, and Barbara put on her old batgirl costume.

I tied up my long black-purple hair in a tight ponytail and put on my mask as we exited toward the garage. When we got there, I noticed a custom made motorbike that I've never seen before.

"That's yours." Bruce told me, as he hopped into the batmobile. "Wish we could've given it to you without these circumstances, so you had time to thank us and be surprised."

I took the shocked look off my face and climbed on. "Come on Harley." I said, and gestured for Harley to get on. She climbed onto the back of the bike and I turned it on. Bruce sped out of the garage in the batmobile along with Barbara in the back of it. I followed and we both headed toward the GCPD building.

Saviour Of The Night(completed june 9th 2015)Where stories live. Discover now