Chapter seven escaping the nightmares

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Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation on my feet, then quickly realized that the light around me was burning me, and if I didn't find cover soon I'd die. I looked around and rushed toward a building that was on the same level of ground that I was.

I hid behind it, and saw that my armour had started to corrode. I screamed, and ripped off all of my armour, and I was just in my underwear now. I had nothing to protect me.

I watched as the armour slowly disintegrated into nothing. I looked around the corner of the building and saw the bright yellow light that was shining down onto the land, the light that was destroying everything it touched. It was going around in a circle, like a lighthouse.

I looked around the environment before it came back in my direction and noticed that there was a giant white light at the end of the terrifyingly long street. I also noticed a destroyed car about fifteen feet away.

The yellow light came back and I hid back around the building. I waited until the light passed, and I rushed to the destroyed car and hid behind it. When I got to the car, the rearview mirror fell off, and made a big bang that was louder than it should have been.

A giant hand that had needles attached to each finger appeared out of nowhere and placed itself on the ground beside me.

I tried to control my breathing, but it was too difficult, and I nearly let out a scream. The light shined on the car for a few seconds and then left to do the circling motion again.

I looked around the corner of the car and saw that I was about ten feet away from the white light. I looked back at the building and saw that it was somehow one hundred feet away from me.

I hadn't ran that far. How was the light so close and the building so far. The yellow light was going faster and faster by each turn, so I had to do this quickly. The light had just passed, so I quickly rushed toward the white one. It was a giant spotlight.

I put both of my hands on the top of the upward facing spotlight and pushed it forward. The white light turned into a beam of energy and zapped something that I couldn't see.

Loud screams erupted from the depths of the smoke in front of me and I was suddenly back in the Ace Chemicals building. But Barbara was nowhere to be seen. I was in the same room as before, but there was no blood, no gore, no nothing. Just an empty room with a foul odour.

I walked toward the door on the other side of the room and put my hand on the handle. I twisted it and opened the door slowly. I walked through and saw that everything was normal. I was actually in the Ace Chemicals building. I looked around the room and saw a bunch of thugs on the ground, unconscious. There was another door at the end of this room, but it was wide open.

I went to go walk through it, but I tripped and fell onto my hands and knees. I looked up and the same thing happened. I saw a destroyed gotham. Buildings torn to pieces, and giant pieces of flying concrete everywhere. I hid behind the nearest building and looked around the corner like last time, but there was no other place to hide behind. It was an open field.

The yellow light was back, but this time it had a source. In the middle of this wasteland representation of gotham, was a giant man and the light was coming from his eyes. He was about a hundred feet tall and had needles and vials of an orange liquid attached to his right hand.

The feature of this horrifying man that I couldn't get out of my head was his face. He had a burlap sack over his head, which looked like it was attached to him, a mouth was cut into the sack, but it was being held together by a few strings, and his mouth under the sack looked grey, and disgusting, like the sack. It also looked like he had those gas mask filter things under the sack.

I looked at his eyes and saw that they were a light grey, which scared me even more. I looked at his legs and saw that he had a leg brace. I waited a little bit more before stupidly running into open field and throwing a batarang at his leg brace.

It hit with a loud bang, but it did nothing. He turned around quickly and lifted his hand. He went to slam it down on me but someone grabbed his arm before he had the chance to move. The mysterious person who grabbed his arm spun him around and uppercutted him right in the jaw.

He flew upward and landed on the long field. Whoever uppercutted him jumped up and landed on his chest. The person began punching him in the face, and he struggled to break free of this person's grasp. He flicked the wrist of his right hand and the needles began to get pumped with the strange orange toxin.

He raised his right hand in an attempt to put the needles into the person, but they grabbed his arm by the wrist and snapped it backward. The echoing sound of the bone snapping sent a chill down my spine. I looked at his hand and saw the vials were broken and the orange liquid was dripping onto the ground out of the broken vials.

The person kept punching him in the face. Once they stopped, they ripped off the gas mask air filters, and crushed them with their hand. Then they grabbed his mask and proceeded to pull on it.

"Nooo!" He screamed as the mask came off and he put his head down in defeat. The person threw the mask and the land around me started to become normal. I was in a different room. In the middle of this room, there was one big circular console. The room seemed to be rebuilding itself, and when it was done, I saw the man on the ground, and the person on top of him.

"You're done, Crane!" They said, and punched him in the face one more time, which knocked him out. My vision came back fully. Everything was completely normal, no more visions, or nightmares.

I looked at the person who was on top of him, and was immediately relieved.

"Barbara!" I shouted. She stood up, looked at me, and smiled. I ran up to her and tripped, but she caught me. I hugged her tightly. She hesitated before hugging me back. "I thought you were dead." I told her. She sighed.

"It's okay, Ly-a." She said. "It's okay. We stopped Scarecrow, let's go back to the clocktower and see if you're all right."

I nodded and she carried me to the batmobile. I could barely walk. She put me in, then walked back into the Ace Chemicals building. A few minutes later, she returned with all of my armour in her hands. She handed it to me and grappled up to the closest building. The canopy closed and I drove toward the clocktower.

About half an hour later, we arrived safely to the watchtower and she brought me up to the medbay to see if I was alright.

Saviour Of The Night(completed june 9th 2015)Where stories live. Discover now