Chapter two Oracle

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After I put on my suit, I picked my favourite weapons and walked up to my window. Packed with two pistols, a submachine gun, and a knife, I was ready to face the threats of this city.

I took a deep breath and put on my white mask, which was just a white bandana that I wrapped around my head and tied up. I let my thick, long, silky black-purple hair out of it's ponytail and it fell all the way down to my mid thigh.

I inserted an earpiece which emitted a holographic image in front of my eyes when I wanted it to.

Now sitting on the windowsill, I jumped off and fell down to the ground quickly. I hit the ground hard, but I didn't fall. As I landed, I tucked and rolled into cover behind a dumpster. I knew I'd made a mistake because I heard some thugs shouting, and footsteps rushing toward my position. I quickly got out of cover and faced the thugs.

Time slowed and I moved seamlessly with incredible speed. I punched one thug in the face and tripped another. I spun around, caught a thugs fist, kicked him in the nuts and did jumping roundhouse kick to the last one, right in his face.

Time sped up and they were all on the ground, clutching the part of their body that I hit. I quietly walked out of the laneway and onto the street.

I looked to the left; nothing. I looked to the right; a car was speeding toward me, and the people looked to be aiming at me with guns.

Again, time slowed as the vehicle slowly sped toward me. I quickly jumped to the left as the vehicle--very slowly--sped by. Still in slowed time, I walked up to the vehicle, ripped the driver out through the window, threw him to the ground and punched him in the face before he even knew what happened.

I walked over to the other side, the car still moving slowly to me but fast to them, I reached inside and punched out the front seat passenger.

I quickly opened the back passenger's side door and sped up time.

"Run." I told the terrified goon.

He jumped out of the SUV and ran off, cowering. I got into the driver seat of the vehicle with a sick grin on my face.

I sped down the street with the windows rolled down.

"Hologram activate." I said aloud. Soon a loosely transparent hologram appeared in front my eyes. Weaving through thugs on the street, avoiding burning cars and fallen street lamps and power transformers, I was also navigating through my holographic computer in front of my eyes. It was definitely easier than driving.

I was exploring the features of the holographic screen when all of a sudden the entire screen went red and told me I was being hacked.

"Fucking black hats. Initiate failsafes and firewalls. Bug this hacker." The screen reacted by turning green, locked all of the features, and closed itself to initiate all firewalls and counter hacks.

It was silent for a moment, and whenever I attempted to open the holographic screen, it would say that it was still loading and counter hacking the hacker.

Finally, the screen reopened. "Okay, I should be good now." I said, then--of course--a phone in the storage compartment rang. I opened the compartment, grabbed the phone and answered.

"You're such a fool." The person said. She obviously either saw me or has a scout who's spying on me.

"Who the hell are you? And more importantly, who are you to call me a fool?" I asked her. She laughed as if it were a joke. "No, I have three guns, a very sharp knife, can hack nearly anyone or anything, and can slow time, so I wouldn't be laughing if I were you."

"Come to the top floor of the clocktower, there are thugs guarding this place, but it seems like you've got this stuff under control." She told me. I stopped the vehicle and exited across the street from the clocktower.

"You know I'm here don't you?" I asked her.

"Yep." She quickly responded.

I crossed the street and the thugs began advancing on me. One of them whistled and the others laughed. They were looking...

Dammit, I thought, why a skintight suit, it may protected me better, but really Ly-a?

I got a little bit closer, and they did also. The thug directly in front of me advanced closer to me than the others.

"Damn, bitch. What are you doin' out here this late?" He asked me obnoxiously. I punched him in the nose.

He fell backward at the surprise of both my power and just sheer shock. He stood back up. "You're gonna pay for that, bitch!" He shouted. I laughed at him.

Routine. I slowed down time as the first guy went to punch. I grabbed his fist, pulled him toward me, and clotheslined him. I turned around and kicked the smallest guy in the face as he rushed toward me.

The main guy rushed toward me, so I dodged his punch, grabbed the back of his leg and pulled it so he was leaning back and only on one foot. I let go of his leg and punched him in the chest. He hit the ground hard as I spun to backhand one more guy.

Time sped up and the three other thugs were running away. I smirked under my mask and walked toward the doors of the clocktower.

As I got to the top of the tall building, I saw a bright of light from under a door at the far end of a hallway. I cautiously approached the door and knocked.

"Just come in, don't knock." I heard the same girl from the phone say from the other side of the thick metal door. I opened the door slowly and entered the giant room.

I was amazed by what I was seeing. Computers set up at the far end. Metres and metres of walls covered in gadgets and suits.

They were--

"Batsuits." I said aloud. I approached the closest one on the left and put my hand on the case.

"I...wouldn't touch that, they are very... ...special." The girl said.

I looked at where the voice came from. At the end of the room, in front of the screens, there was a girl in a wheelchair, there were a bunch of different computers and holographic screen projectors attached to the wheelchair.

I walked up behind her and she turned her wheelchair around. She had bright red hair and wore glasses. She was wearing a beaten up military jacket with some skinny jeans, and street shoes.

I pulled down my mask and her mouth dropped in awe. "You''re pretty." She told me. "My name's Barbara, Barbara Gordon, but you can call me Oracle if you want."

I pulled up a random chair that I found and sat next to her.

"Nice to meet you, Barbara, I'm Ly-a." I responded. "Why'd you bring me here?" I asked her.

Saviour Of The Night(completed june 9th 2015)Where stories live. Discover now