Chapter thirteen the fight

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I reached the clocktower and saw Harley waiting for me at the doors. I jumped out of the batmobile and walked up to her. As I got closer I noticed that something was wrong. "Hey, Harley. What's wrong?" I asked her and she hugged me tightly.

"Whoa, this is sudden." I said, and I heard her start crying. "What's wrong?" I hugged her and rubbed her back. "Come on Harley, please tell me."

"I miss him, and I miss her." She said and cried some more. I turned her around and walked her into the building. We went to my room and I sat her down on my bed.

"It's okay." I told her. I put my arm around her and pulled her close, and she rest her head on my shoulder. "I'll help you. It's been a long night, you should get some rest." She nodded and wiped some tears away. She lied down and put her head on the pillow.

I sat on the bed until she fell asleep and I rubbed her shoulder before standing up and exiting the room. I headed toward the training room. When I arrived, I took all of my armour off and put on a track suit. I turned around and saw Barbara standing behind me, angry and with her fists clenched.

"Uh...hi Barbara." I said nervously and awkwardly. "What--uh--what's...up?" I asked her and slowly tried to get to the door.

"You got yourself arrested. You cuffed my dad to a interrogation table and escaped custody. You made a fool of Gotham's finest police officer. How are me and my dad supposed to recover from being embarrassed by a tiny sixteen-year-old rich girl who has no experience with any fighting techniques and isn't actually that smart." She scolded me. I gave her a disgusted look as she approached me slowly. She was about an inch or two from my face.

I looked in her eyes and noticed something different, they were pure black. Suddenly, she pushed me back and kicked me directly in the chest. I was sent flying backward into the gadgets rack and the window shattered, cutting my face, arms and legs.

She picked me up and threw me into the punching bags. I hit the ground under them hard. One of them unhooked and fell on top of me. Within a few split seconds, Barbara had picked me back up and thrown me out the door. The door was smashed into pieces and I was laying on the floor behind it. I tried crawling away, but she kicked me in the gut and I fell to my side.

She dragged me all the way to the utilities room, kicked down the door, and threw me onto the work table. I felt the sharp tools piercing my back. I arched my back over the table to try and stop the tools from impaling me, but it barely worked. She walked up to the table and grabbed a knife. She tried to stab me in the chest, but I barely dodged and she got my shoulder.

I pushed her away and stood up quickly, but immediately fell to my knees. Grabbing me by the neck, she dragged me onto the small balcony and swung me over the railing. She caught my foot and held me up by the ankle. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you now." She said, but I just screamed in terror. She jerked her arm and I screamed even more. Bruce and Harley must have heard, because I saw them run into the utility room from between the crack under the railing.

"Barbara!" Bruce yelled, but she just stood there, yelling at me. "Barbara listen to me!" Bruce shouted once more. She pulled me up and slammed me onto the balcony floor and walked quickly toward bruce. He swung a punch, but she immediately dodged and punched him in the stomach. He grunted in pain and he swung one more time, but she sidestepped and nailed him directly in the jaw.

He spun a full one hundred eighty degrees before falling onto his face. She must have a strong punch, because Bane had to punch him more than that to take him down. Harley picked up a led pipe and swung it at her head, but she caught it, kneed her in the stomach and uppercutted her right in the bridge of her nose. Harley's body fell limp, and she wasn't moving at all.

I forced myself to stand up and walk toward her, but she was too quick and punched me in the jaw with a closed fist. A split split second after that, she hit me straight in the chest with an open palm. I felt my ribs crack and break under the force of her hit. I gasped for air before falling down onto the floor. I used all of my strength to pull the knife out of my shoulder and throw it at her.

She dodged and picked up an old Tac .50 cal. pistol. She checked to see if it was loaded and soon took aim at my head. She turned the safety off and cocked it. She lowered her aim to my left arm, my good arm, and shot. The bullet bursted through my arm and hit the ground with extreme force, making a large spark. I screamed at the top of my lungs in pain as I felt the blood rushing out of my body.

I looked at my arm and saw the bloody crimson hole in my bicep. I screamed some more and she took aim at my head. She cocked the gun once more.

I closed my eyes, ready for the shot to come.

I prepared for death.

Though I wasn't ready to die, I knew I was going to any minute now.

All of a sudden, a gunshot went off, and hit me in the lower right side of my chest, instead of my head. I heard her grunt as she fell to the floor, followed by electrical zaps. I opened my eyes as much as I could, but couldn't see a thing. In the mass blur, I barely saw a figure, that could've been Bruce or Harley, drop a mechanical part and rush to my side.

I took one last deep breath and closed my eyes.

Saviour Of The Night(completed june 9th 2015)Where stories live. Discover now