Yoongi shook his head looking disappointed. "So the man offered you a place to rest and after you woke up you ran away like a coward and didn't even thank him?" Yoongi summarised, tight lipped. He sighed, shaking his head as he exited the car.

He walked straight into the shop, leaving the younger to his own thoughts in the car. Just as the rapper was about to open the door, he shouted back, "You better get out of that car boy!" This caused the singer to exit the car quickly.

Yoongi got into the shop and as he was walking towards one of the windows booths to reserve it, he saw an oddly familiar face.

His brows furrowed and he walked closer to the figure. He ignored the younger behind him, who was calling his name.

"Taebear?" Yoongi whispered, causing the said person to raise his eyes from his book. A smile already on his face, but it quickly dropped when he saw who it was. He frowned before quickly started packing his stuff and made a beeline for his office.

The rapper tried to hold his wrist but the said man quickly snatched it before he turned to the former. "Don't - touch me," He whispered painfilled. He turned to continue with his way to his office, but the door opened just in time, revealing Mr Lee.

Taehyung rushed towards the butler and out the door. This had Mr. Lee puzzled, looking between the now closed door and the half empty shop. Usually he would wait for the younger to close the shop before they would leave for the Kim residence. Now he was a bit confused as to what he should do.

He looked towards the employee who was behind the cash registered. "It's okay Mr. Lee, We'll close the shop," The cashier assured the older with a smile. The butler bowed before leaving the shop and rushing to the car, where he found the younger gazing out of the window, away from the shop.

Just as the butler started the car, the shop door opened and Taehyung turned to it. "Please drive Mr. Lee," He rushed out and the butler drove off. Still confused, but he didn't question it and continued driving.

Yoongi just stood the in the parking lot, watching the car drive off. He has never regretted his life choices like he did in that moment. As those thoughts of regret invaded him he bellowed loudly and kicked the tire of the car that was next to him, which happened to be Jungkook's car.

He ignored the younger - who looked like he wanted to say a few things - as he rested his hands on top of the hood of the car and resting his head on top of his folded arms. He swallowed a sob that was climbing it's way out and blinked away the tears.

"Let's go Kook," He muttered and walked around the car to the passenger seat, waiting for the younger to open the car, which the confused younger did. He also had a number of questions but decided to keep it to himself.

They both got into the car, and Jungkook opted to drive the older straight to his condo, instead of the building to fetch his car, as he did not think the older was in the right state to drive. Let alone comprehend what was going on around him.

His mind was locked up somewhere, and Jungkook did not want to be the one to call him back to the land of the living. He chose to mind his own business and drive the older home. However, he couldn't help but be curious.

Did His Hyung know Taehyung? Do they have some history? What did Taehyung say to Yoongi that made him react in that way? Did Taehyung do anything to Yoongi Hyung in the past? What is happening?! Jungkook screamed in his mind, but instead of answers, he came up with even more questions.

Contrary to a lot of celebrities, Yoongi rarely went in to The Magic Bean. He usually ordered via the food app or asked one of the staff members or one of the members to buy something for him. He was usually in his studio or at home. And the times he did go to the café, Taehyung was either in the office, in the kitchen or not in at all. Coincidentally, or according to fate.

That was just about a handful of times.

As soon as the car stop, it was as if it pulled the older out of his riverie. He looked up and realised that they were at his condo. He turned and looked at the younger who turned just in time to see his Hyung look at him. The older silently thanked the younger for driving him home and silently invited him in. He was in no mood to talk whatsoever, but he felt like he needed to explain things to the younger.

They went up to the elder's condo and the younger threw himself onto the couch in the living room, while Yoongi walked to the mini-bar that was connected to the living room. He took out a can of beer for the younger and poured himself a glass of whiskey before downing it and pouring another one.

He walked to where Jungkook was sitting and threw himself next to the latter, Offering him the beer which the younger gladly accepted. And they sat in silence for a while before Yoongi broke the silence.

"Taehyung is the one that got away," He muttered.

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