Chapter 7 : A Wedding Suit and a Ripped Shirt

Start from the beginning

I burst out laughing, almost knocking the bowl of cornflakes off the counter. After calming myself down I decide to end Mkhulu's misery.

"Mkhulu I'm not getting married today or any time soon. I didn't take your advice I don't know if you know this but it was can I put this nicely...awful-"

" Ungrateful brat! I'll never pause a movie for you again."

" Anyway I took Google's advice -"

"This is what's wrong with your generation " he starts his little rant that every teenager has heard before.

Because I'm in such a good mood I won't tell him that he raised me so everything wrong with me also has to do with his parenting skills. Or should I say grandparenting skills.


After changing from my 'wedding suit' to a black and white striped flannel shirt with dark jeans and a pair of sneakers- I left for the park.

The sun was at its peak and it shone down the whole Mayfield park. I sat by one of the benches watching the kids play on the swings and merry go round.

They had the biggest smiles and the loudest laughs that I found myself smiling too. I wasn't sure how long it had been but I enjoyed watching them play.

I specifically enjoyed watching this rowdy short boy with a buzz cut and big brown eyes. He ran across the park so quickly you would think a cheetah was chasing him. His smile was the broadest and he played on every swing.

Even though Olivia was running late he took my mind off worrying.

At a point in time, the kids were all on the merry-go-round and one of the boys was spinning it a little too fast, with so much force. This made the girls scream and everyone was yelling at him to stop.

The boy I had been watching lost his hold on the merry-go -round and fell harshly on the ground- stopping the swing and eliciting screeching screams from the girls.

I looked around and there were no adults, then, it clicked.

I was the adult.

Well... technically besides the guys who sat by the park's fence a distance away were high out of their minds so I don't think they'd be any help.

So, I walked towards the screaming children and all of their eyes landed on me like I would arrest them or something.

"It wasn't me," one of the boys said.

Not surprising -It was the boy who didn't stop spinning the merry-go-round when everyone told him to.

" I saw everything" I deadpan.

His face drained of all colour.

The guilty boy immediately runs away and I feel like chasing him but my eyes flicker back to the boy who had been hurt. His leg is currently oozing a lot of blood and when I tell you it looks bad.

I crouch down to get a better look and a crowd of kids gather around me like I'm about to perform a miracle.

"What's your name?" I ask the boy.

His face is twisted as he suppresses the pain but he holds my gaze as he speaks to me. " Timmy," he answers, through clenched teeth.

He's holding onto his wounded leg and I can barely see anything except for the blood that's all over his hands.

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