#2 - Shipped Away

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Josh was a high school student who was in his freshman year. Although he was pretty new to the school, he had made a lot more friends in his first year than he could ever imagine. That was no surprise to anybody in the school since he was a nice and adorable guy, and he was a very likable person. He was also doing very well in school which cemented the fact that he was almost as perfect as a person could be. Although he was "the perfect guy", he wasn't arrogant to any people. He also got a group of his close friends which included him, Lucas, and Noah. They were really close, and would hang out anytime they had together which was kind of like a second family for them.

In a rather normal Thursday evening, Joshua and his friends were finding a computer game to play. The friends tried scouring through their massive warehouse filled to the brim with computer games, but found nothing that satisfied them for the night. However, the friends stumbled on a game they all were interested, but there was a problem. Both Noah and Lucas had had that games for years, but Josh didn't even knew what it was. He obviously didn't have it installed, and the game costed way more than what his remaining allowance could offer. He tried begging his dad for a little money to together buy the game with his remaining allowance. Obviously, his dad said no, and made Joshua very sad. He wanted to get that game since it looked amazing, but he couldn't even able to afford it. Unluckily, his bedtime finally came, so he had to go to bed although he still couldn't get his mind away from that game he wanted so badly.

The next day, it was a Friday which made Josh very happy, but he was still bothered by that game he wanted. After finishing his morning classes, he sat down with his friends to eat lunch. "Man, I wanted to get that game so badly. I wish I had more money.", said Joshua with a mildly irritated voice. Lucas then replied, "Bro, just ask your dad, I'm sure he'd give it to you." "Don't you remember that he asked his dad last night and he declined?", said Noah. "Maybe, you could get a job?", Noah replied. "You dummy, we're just 14! No one will accept us unless we're 16!", Joshua replied with a strong voice. "Yeah, good point. Sorry.", Noah replied. "Hmmm... I can think of something.", said Lucas. "What is it?", Joshua asked with a curious voice. "Well, as you know, my sister hosts a gameshow, and she was complaining all night last night that she needed a contestant.", said Lucas with a mildly excited voice. "So, you want me to be on it?", Joshua replied with confusion. "Exactly! I think our guy, Josh here would do well on a gameshow.", said Noah with a very excited voice. "Um, I'm pretty sure gameshows only accept contestants 18 or older, right? And I'm only 14.", Josh replied with a very confused voice. "Well, she told me they accept anyone older than 13.", Lucas replied. "Well then, will I get any money if I win?", Joshua asked with excitement. "Yep, and about a thousand dollars of it.", Lucas replied which was an awesome situation for Joshua. "I can already tell that you're really excited, Josh.", said Noah. "Well, I got to talk to her about this, and I'll let you know maybe tonight when we got on a call.", Lucas replied. "Sweet!", said Josh with a very excited voice. He was very excited since he had never been on television, and he had never gotten the chance to win something this big in his life. After lunch, the boys separated, but Joshua still couldn't get the excitement of being on a gameshow off his head. It was an opportunity of a life time for him.

Later that night, the boys got onto a Discord call. Joshua was so excited for big reveal, and his first sentence on the call was "Do I get to be the contestant?". Luckily, the answer was yes, and he was super excited. "My sister said they're going to be filming it tomorrow.", said Lucas. Josh then said, "Well, where is it going to be?". "Well, you come to my house tomorrow at 9 and a half, and my sister will take us there.", said Lucas. "Cool! Do I need to bring anything?", Josh asked. "Well, just bring a couple extra sets of clothes.", said Lucas. Josh started to get a little sceptical, so he asked Lucas, "Why, though?" which he simply replied, "That's what she said.". "Have you ever seen your sister's show?", Noah asked. "No, actually. That's why I'm going with her tomorrow because I too want to see the live show, and my parents are in LA until Tuesday.", said Lucas. After the conversation about Joshua being on a gameshow had ended, the friends started playing games like usual. They all had fun, and enjoyed that Friday evening.

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