#6 - The Sacrificial Student

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Tatsuki, meaning happiness, was a Japanese boy living with his parents in Tokyo. He was just like any other boy, although a little shy. He was scared to approach people, so there was a very small amount of people he'd normally talk to. Still, his friends were fond of him, and didn't want him to be alone. He was also doing pretty good in school which earned more respect from his friends.

Tatsuki lived in small home in the suburbs in a friendly neighborhood. Although his family was middle class, he still enjoyed his life. One day, the family's economic situation were started to get really bad, but luckily, Tatsuki's dad got a huge business opportunity in the US. Since Tatsuki's mom was a housewife, and Tatsuki himself was going to have no problem speaking English, he may as well took it. Although Tatsuki was sad that he would have to move away, and would have to miss his friend from his 2 years at his middle school, he thought it was the best for the family.

After the 14 year old Tatsuki and his family moved to the US, they quickly got their new life started. Everything was almost the same, except that his mom will also have to get a job to compensate for the rent. Since Tatsuki was already used to boarding school, they decided to send him to one near by, and he'd only come home every weekend or so. Surprisingly, the school he went to also have their uniforms, unlike most schools in America. The uniform consisted of a white shirt, a pair of blue pants, blue blazers, and a red neck tie. Although there was a lot more to the uniform than his Japanese school, he still loved the blue more than the black. On his first Monday, he walked out his home with his backpack full of stuff, ready for the upcoming days of school.

As the new freshman walked into his high school, he saw a ton of students glacing at him. There, everyone was curious to see a new Japanese boy came to the school, and the curiosity made him famous for the first few days. Although everyone knew and still remembered his full name, they decided to call him Tast for short. They were also really surprised that he was relatively fluent in English as well. On his first night at the school, he struggled finding a room as almost all of them were already fully occupied with 4 people. Luckily, a group of boys invited him to be the 4th member of the room which was really kind of them. After he moved in, the boys began bonding, and making Tatsuki felt more comfortable. Tast then began unpacking his stuff, and the tired boys went to bed.

Of course, being a little shorter than his friends at around 5 foot 5, he sometimes got mocked by his height although, he couldn't care less. His social life was looking a lot better, but shy Tatsuki will still be shy Tatsuki. It'd probably be almost impossible to change that.

One day, a cute and petite girl with long brown hair walked into his class which caught Tatsuki's interest, although she kind of slid pass everyone, except him, of course. She then walked towards Tatsuki, and sat down abojt a row or two away. Shy and too scared to approach her, Tast only took some nervous glances at her. After a few weeks of that happening, he was starting to have a crush on her. 'When a cute and petite boy meets a cute and petite girl, destiny tends to make them connect.', Tatsuki thought.

One Tuesday, as Tatsuki was having his lunch, the petite girl walked towards him, and saw him eating lunch alone. She then asked in her soft voice, "Would you mind if I sit here with you?". "Um, n-no.", Tatsuki replied nervously. "Are you the kid from Japan everyone's talking about?", the girl asked from curiosity. "Yeah, I'm Tatsuki. Everyone calls me Tast.", Tast replied. The girl then said, "Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Hikari.". "Um, Hikari, are you Japanese like me?", Tast nervously asked. "Um, yeah", she answered excitedly. "I thought you were an Asian American,", Tast replied. "Because you don't really sound Asian to me.". "Well...", Hikari said. "That's because I was actually adopted by an American couple when I was young. My biological parents passed away when I was really young, at least that's what my parents told me, so I didn't suffer much trauma as I absolutely had no clue nor remember what had happened." "Well, I'm sorry to hear that.", Tast replied. "No worries. Also, your accent is really great for new immigrants like you.", Hikari replied which made Tatsuki blush a little.

After a bit of silence as the two of them were having lunch, Hikari seemed to remember something she was going to bring up. "Yeah, Tatsuki. Did you hear about the upcoming freshman hazing?", Hikari asked. "Um, not really, no.", Tatsuki replied. Hikari then explained it to Tast, "Oh, well, I'll explain in briefly to you. So, they're going to be picking a random name of the freshmen, and the one that gets picked out will get the hazing, kinda like the one that was sacrificed, you know.". "I hope it won't be me.", Tatsuki replied. "Now, I'm feeling a little nervous, are you?" "Well, I must admit. The school council got me to help manage the event, so fortunately, I'm not going to be picked.", Hikari replied. "Cool, I guess.", Tatsuki replied nervously. Another long moment of silence then occurred before the two finished their lunch, and waved good bye.

As Tatsuki was getting his tray to the collecting station, he was still a little nervous that he was going to get picked, although he dismissed the matter. He kept reminding himself, 'No way, it's me. Statistically, there are 5 classes of freshman, about 150 people. No way, I'm that one in 150.'. Tast then went back to class like usual, and he sometimes took a glace at Hikari which was getting a little obvious for her. Still, Tast didn't think much about the hazing, neither did Hikari think much about Tatsuki.

Time flew, and before Tatsuki knew it, it was the day before the hazing when his mind suddenly reminded himself. He kept feeling nervous that he was going to be the chosen one, but he tried to keep calm throughout the day of studying. 'At least, I'll get a day off tomorrow.', Tast thought.

After class, his roommates convinced him to go play some basketball before watching a movie in their dorm room. Although it was fun playing basketball, it was very tiring. As they were watching the movie, 2 of his roommates was getting sleepy, so they went to bed first. After the movie ended, another one of his roommate went to bed as well. Since tomorrow was a holiday, and it was just half past 9pm, he figured playing some video games wouldn't hurt. After about an hour, he was feeling really tired, so he decided to go to bed. Since seeing his friends sleep in just their underwear seemed like a normal practice, he decided to ditch the pajamas. After he took a shower, he only wore his white briefs to bed.

The next morning, while the all Tatsuki's roommates were already awake, and he was still far asleep, an older girl knocked on the door. One of the boys then opened the door. "Hey, I'm from the council. Is Tatsuki here?", the girl asked. The boy then replied, "Yeah, but he's still asleep.". "Perfect!", the girl exclaimed which made the boys a little confused until some extra information was given from her. "Well, he's been nominated for the hazing.", the girl added. "Oh! Alright. I'm glad to help ya!", the boy replied excitedly. They then let the girl, and another 2 older boys from the council into the room.

Firstly, the girl asked the boys to get his regular clothes ready because "it wasn't going to end well", she told them. Since Tast was a very organized person, it was very easy to find whatever they needed. The girl councillor then stepped away from him as she let the boys gently tie both of his arms in front of him and legs were also tied up together with zip ties. She then grabbed out a black blindfold before covering his eyes with it. The boy councillors gently carried Tatsuki out of the room, trying not to wake him up. Awoke and showered, unlike Tatsuki, the boys followed the councillors to the school's gym to watch the sacrificed student get his hazing.

As Tatsuki was being carried into the gym, the audiences started to cheer which woke him up. Knew that he was tied up, he started wiggling around which alerted the guys carrying him that he was awake. He was then placed right in the middle of the sports hall, right down on his knees. The guys then removed his blindfold, and walked away. The audience then cheered even louder, leaving Tatsuki clueless, and embarrassed to be seen in just his underwear. He then looked around nervously, and saw Hikari standing in a corner, winking at him. It was weird that while everyone was in their casual clothes, Hikari was in her full uniform. Something was just not right for him. After a moment, Hikari walked out from the corner with a microphone in hand. She then stood in front, a little to the right of him.

"Hello, everyone!", she exclaimed. "I'm Hikari, and I'm a freshman, although I'm going to be this year's freshman hazer!", she introduced herself. "Just to be clear, Tatsuki, no one had anything towards you, but you just got the jackpot, so lucky for you.", Hikari said. She then whispered into Tast's ears, 'I'm really sorry to do this to you, but I gotta go full power because I don't want people to suspect.'. At least, he knew that she wasn't cruel, but he still wasn't ready for the hazing coming his way. "So, here's the rules.", Hikari said. "I'll give you 3 challenges, and if you fail 2, you're going to get the real stuff.", she explained. The audiences then started to get excited as they knew a nerdy boy like Tatsuki wouldn't be able to take it. "It'd be a miracle if a drop of tear hadn't left his eyes.", the older students whispered to each other.

"Tatsuki, for your first challenge, you'll be popping some balloons.", Hikari said before pointing her fingers towards a 2 feet tall cage filled with balloons. "Just try and pop as many as you can, alright?", she told him. He then nodded nervously as he glanced at the cage. An older boy from the council then put a helmet with a patch of spikes on it onto Tast's head. He then guided the boy to the cage, opened its door, and let him inside. He then closed it, and walked away.

"3, 2, 1, Go!", Hikari exclaimed as Tatsuki slowly wiggled his way through the cage of balloons. Since he could only crawl around slowly, there was a usual stop between the popping sounds and the silence, although the laugh from the audience from his humiliation was almost continuous. As he was making his way though the white balloon, he saw some rare red balloons hanging from the top, and hiding among the whites. When he crawled pass it, he accidentally popped it, and a ton of cream splashed onto his head, leaving him in a state of shock. Now that most of his head and face was covered, it was a little harder for him to see. Suddenly, a pie then flew onto the top of the cage right where his head was, and exploded through the net, covering his head even more. Knowing that popping the red balloons will bring him some nasty gunk on his face, he began to be more careful.

Still, as Tatsuki navigated more through the balloons, he accidentally popped more red ones, and now his face and hair was absolutely dripping with white cream. The only thing helping Tast open his eyes were his creamy eyelashes that prevented the cream from getting into his eyes. Of course, more pies came flying onto his head which contributed more and more to the mess. As Tatsuki continued on, more and more cream pies were flying towards him, covering more and more of his back and butt with jam and cream. After he had cleared out all the white balloons, he had popped so many red balloons that a waterfall of cream was flowing out of his hair, along with a creamy and jam-covered body. The creamy Tatsuki was then brought out of the cage, and back to the same place he was before.

"Ooh! Impressive!", Hikari exclaimed. "I'm satisfied. I'ma give you a pass for this one" Tatsuki was relieved that he had passed at least one challenge which was more than he thought he could. A boy councillor then took off his spiky helmet which revealed his cream-soaked hair. As he thought that was it, something unexpected happened. Smash! Hikari smashed a cream pie with blueberry jam onto Tast's face, so the slop dripping off of him had blinded him. The audience also laughed, much to his embarrassment. Feeling a little kind, Hikari cut off the zip tie off of his wrists, freeing his hands. Tast then immediately used his free hands to wipe the thick cream off his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he turned to Hikari to see her just blinking at him. She then walked back to her usual spot to start the next game.

"For the second challenge, you'll get to be a snake!", Hikari exclaimed much to Tatsuki's nervousness. "You'll be crawling around this 15 by 20 feet plot of mud to bob around for stems of broccolis, and throwing them out of the plot. If you manage to get at least 5 in a minute, you'll pass the challenge.", she explained. The same boy councillor then took Tatsuki to the muddy land, and laid him down in a corner. He could already feel the dark brown mud soaking his legs, and it was literally the perfect creamy consistency for the maximum coverage of the student. A giant timer then came on the LED panel just to really stress the hazee out.

"3, 2, 1, Go!", Hikari screamed as the clock immediately started counting down. As Tatsuki started crawling along the mud, he knew he'd definitely run out of time this way, so he tried an unconventional technique; hopping. Of course, everyone agreed that it was a damn great one. After he got the hold of the first stem of broccoli between his teeth, he swung it over the plot which earned him a point. 'What a clever guy.', Hikari thought. The audiences were getting kind of bored to see a huge potential of Tatsuki winning again, so the evil side of Hikari decided to mix it up some more. As he was picking up the second stem of broccoli with his teeth, he felt something splashed onto his back. Of course, he was in shock, and immediately rotated a 180 degrees onto his back, although that caused the second stem to swing off his mouth and out the plot. As he was lying there with his back soaking and his rear covered in mud, he saw 2-3 councillors standing, holding a bucket each. One of the boy councillors then splashed the chocolate cream onto his face and rear, worsening his current state. The perplexed boy then laid there, with a clear shocked facial expression. After he cleaned the chocolate off his eyes, he saw the councillors get ready to splash more chocolate onto him, so he went into full panic mode. As Tast desperately tried to wiggle away, chaos ensued as the councillors splashed more and more chocolate cream onto him, and him splashing in mud wasn't going to do him any good either. The audience also laughed at him very hard similar to an episode of Tom & Jerry. Now, it had became more interesting for the audience as well.

Although Tatsuki was being bombarded by the chocolate and mud, he still managed to pick 2 more stems of broccoli out of the plot, leaving him with just 10 seconds for the last one. While he was making his way to the last stem of broccoli on the opposite side of the plot, he was still being continuously attacked by the chocolate cream which slowed him down a bit as he had to wipe it off his eyes. When he got to the last stem of broccoli, he only had 3 seconds left, so he quickly bend down to pick it up. As he was doing so, a councillor continuously shoved the chocolate cream down his head, slowing down the process. As the waterfall of chocolate cream ran down his head and hair, it made the nervous Tast unable to pull the broccoli in time. When he rose his cream-covered hair and face up, he heard the buzzer went off, and he was just a second short of victory.

"Wah, wah.", Hikari mocked him as he hung his head down in shame. "Well, then. You've failed one, so the last one will be the deciding factor.", Hikari explained. A boy from the council then dragged Tatsuki right out of the plot where he dropped down on the floor. One more bucket of chocolate cream was then delivered right to his face as a present.

"Well, let's take a look at our last challenge.", the hostess continued as Tast was trying to get all those gunk off his face. "The last challenge is the least physical. So, You're going to be blindfolded, and I'll give you a bucket full of stuff. You're going to guess what it is, and if you get it wrong, 2 more buckets spawn, and all 3 gets dumped onto you. I'll give you 5 items, and you must get at least 2 right.", Hikari explained in her soft passive-aggressive tone. As Tast slowly rose his head up, she winked into his eyes again which made him a 100 times more nervous. A moment later, the councillors moved some buckets behind him while a boy councillor put a pair google painted black all over on him. Right then, Tatsuki was blind; perfect for the challenge.

"Well, then let's start with the first bucket.", Hikari said. She then put the bucket up close to Tatsuki's nose. It smelled tangy, and a little too pungent for someone from his origin. It was a distinct, but an unfamiliar smell to him. "Is it sour cream?", Tast answered from the top of his head. The audience then laughed, signaling that it was wrong before Hikari told the newbie American that it was ranch dressing. Immediately, she splashed her bucket of ranch onto his face before flipping the remaining ranch down his hair. Another 2 buckets of ranch was then poured onto him from the 2 councillors behind him. Now, he was dripping with ranch all over his body.

"Here's the second bucket. Hope you do well.", Hikari said. She then put the bucket closer to his nose, and it really much had a pale smell of tomatoes. Tast was feeling a bit more confident about this one, so he answered, "Tomato Sauce?". "Oooh!", the audiences exclaimed in unison. "No, Tatsuki.", she said in a disappointed voice. "It's baked beans." Soon enough, he got his baked bean facial, and a baked bean shampoo as well. A proper shower then followed as the 2 councillors both covered his front and back in baked beans. Since he already got 2 wrong, he started to worry, and the miserable mess he'd been covered in was making his decision worse as well.

"Next up, the third item.", Hikari said. That item smelled distinct, and very familiar as well. It smelled just like eggs. "Is it eggs?", Tatsuki asked nervously. "You're right!", Hikari exclaimed which made him relieved. As she was lifting the bucket away from his face, she "accidentally" dropped the eggs which turned his head into a slimy mess. "I just couldn't resist the eggs on ya.", Hikari said while laughing along with the audience.

"For the next item, think thoroughly.", Hikari gave him a hint. As he took a whiff of the substance, it smelled very strongly of tomatoes. Still, he didn't go with that, and thought a lot more. "Salsa, maybe?", said Tatsuki with a clueless voice. The audience then laughed as they knew it was the wrong answer. "Perhaps, you over thought. It's pizza sauce.", Hikari said. She then lifted Tast's head up, and began shoving her bucket of pizza sauce down his muck-covered face. She then rubbed the remaining pizza sauce into his hair, turning them into messy pan of pizzas. After that, the councillors then began lathering his entire body with pizza sauce. One of them decided to have some fun. Therefore, he shoved some pizza sauce down the back of Tatsuki's underwear, much to his discomfort, but to the audience's delight. Unlucky for him, the sauce would definitely stain his white underwear red, and it wouldn't make a nice encounter when his mom found out. At that moment, pizza sauce dripped off of all parts of him which Tast really much disliked.

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⏰ Huling update: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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