#4 - Contemptuous Charity

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Ivy was a 13 year old school girl, studying at her middle school in a medium seaside town in the north east. She had very beautiful and long blonde hair, and her dazzling blue eyes emphasized it even more. She also had a slim body, and was about an inch or 2 taller than most boys or around 5 feet 6 which made her almost an ideal girl for most boys at her school. Although she looked pretty stunning, most of the boys in her middle school usually have a crush on another girl, named Hannah, who was the head of the cheerleading team. Even though she was probably the most popular girl in the school, she still didn't look too happy, and occasionally smiled. Still, she didn't seem arrogant or mean to Ivy at all, just because those boys were getting on her nerves all the time. Of course, she understood, and the girls didn't have any problem.

Fast forward to the beginning of the next school year, since the 8th grade would be her last year at the middle school, Ivy wanted to do something for her school. Plus, Hannah, the head of the cheerleaders wanted her to come so badly. That was why she didn't give a second thought on joining the team. Throughout the school year, the girls were pretty nice to her while they trained for various events. The boys were also starting to have crushes on Ivy, but screw those boys, she thought.

Eventually, the season changed from autumn to spring, and the month turned from September to April of the next year. Her 8 months with the cheerleading team had flown by really fast when the girl was already 14. The sad part was the last event of the team would just be around the corner. It was a charity event that everyone was excited for. They were going to be running a booth, and raising money for the town's homeless shelter. Of course, everyone was on board, and the date creeped ever so closer.

Finally, a day had finally arrived. After Ivy woke up, she was overjoyed and excited for the event. After she finished her morning routine, she grabbed out her only cheerleading uniform which was a blouse with really short sleeves; enough to just cover her shoulders, stretching down just above her belly button. The middle of the blouse was red, and white strips ran along the outside. Since she had a middle-size chest, the stretchy blouse fit her perfectly. The uniform also came with a red skirt with strips of white fabric on either side, and white lining pants inside to cover her underwear from some crazy situations. After that, she then went downstairs to have her breakfast. She then told her parents about the event before grabbing her bike, and left.

About a short 5 minute ride, she arrived at the park, where the event was held. She then parked her bicycle before heading to the booth. There, she saw the cheerleaders prepping out tons of food at the booth. "Hey, Ivy!", Hannah greeted. "Hi!", Ivy replied. "We're currently looking for someone to be the star of our booth.", Hannah said. "Since you're the newest member, would you mind giving it a shot?", Hannah asked. Not wanting to disappoint her, Ivy quickly replied,"Sure." "What do I need to do, exactly?", Ivy asked. "Just stand there, tied to the pole. Shouldn't be too hard, right?", Hannah repiled. Ivy then nervously nodded as she walked towards the pole. Her teammates then started tying her up by her stomach as she stood there waiting.

Around 2 minutes later, Hannah then put up a sign which looked like some sort of a meter which questioned Ivy. "Hey, Hannah. What's that thing you're putting up?", Ivy asked. "Oh, so do you want me to explain what we're doing?", Hannah asked back, to which Ivy quickly nodded. "Well, when people donate a specific amount of money, they'll get to dump something on you.", Hannah briefly explained. "What!?", Ivy exclaimed. "You can't do this to me! What about my white sneakers?" Hannah then further explained, "Well, girl, if the total reaches 100, we're taking your blouse off, and at 200, your skirt's going to be gone too." "What am I going to wear after this, then?", Ivy whimpered. "Don't worry, we're gonna give you another one.", Hannah comforted Ivy. She then explained it even further, "We are aiming for around $300, so if it reaches that, you're getting the ultimate nasty stuff dumped on you, then." "I don't know if I can make it through, Hannah.", Ivy said with a hopeless voice. "Well, Ivy, it's going to be fine. I've gone through all of this. You can do it, Ivy.", Hannah ensured Ivy. Ivy then nodded positively as Hannah hugged her newest member of the team.

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