#1 - How Much Can Teens Take

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It was a Friday evening when Alex's sister, Lily had just came back home. Alex thought it was a bit off since Lily would be home at about 2 on Fridays after finishing up at her college, but that day was different. She looked tired from her day, so she collapsed on the couch almost immediately.

"What's up, sis?" Alex asked his sister with a worrying voice. "You know I'd finish early on Fridays, and I'd be home by about 2." Lily replied which compliment the thought of his that something was a bit off. "Today, I got called to go to the set I work on. Turns out, they can't find a contestant for this week's show yet, and if they can't find one for them, I'm going to be in big trouble!" said Lily. She then collapsed onto a pillow and let out a sob from the pressure that she had build up her entire day. Alex looked very concerned for her since it was her dream to be on the film industry, and it'd make it harder for her if she got fired. Being a good little brother that he was, he hugged his sister, and said "Don't cry, sis. I'm sure you can figure it out.". Lily rose her head up, and said "How, Alex?" with a sound of defeat, then an idea popped up on Alex's head.

"I remember you said one time that the contestants for the shows are teenagers?" asked Alex which Lily nodded. "What if you take me as one of the contestants?" said Alex with an exciting voice. "Alex, I really don't think it's a good idea." said Lily with a worrying voice. "Why, sis? I'm 13, almost 14 which I'm classified as a teenager. Why can't I go, sis?" said Alex with an annoyed voice. Lily paused for a moment, then replied with "I'm telling you it wasn't a good idea." said Lily. "Please, sis. I still want your dream to come true which it already is, so I don't want to ruin it. Please, sis!" Alex begged his sister. "Alright, Fine! But don't said I didn't warned you. A-and if mom or dad asks you what show it was, just answer them with a trivia show." said Lily. Alex nodded, and continued his normal routine. Since Alex had classes in the time that the shows aired, he had no clue what it was about. He kept trying to remind himself that it was a quiz show, but the curiosity got the better of him which made him think about it all night long.

It was the next morning, and Alex got ready to go to the set after breakfast when Lily interrupted him. "Alex, I think you should pack an extra set of clothes." said Lily while looking at his opened backpack. Alex replied with "Sure, I guess.." before putting another sets of clothes into the backpack which made him even more confused to why he needed an extra set of clothes if he was just going to a quiz show. He knew something wasn't adding up, but he decided to be the contestant to help his sister.

Before the siblings walked into the studio, Lily grabbed Alex's hand , and said "Are you sure you want to do this? If you continue, there's no turning back." while looking dead into Alex's innocent blue eyes. "Of course, sis. I'd help you." said Alex with a confident voice. "Alright, here we go!" said Lily.

The siblings walked into the studio, and into the staff's room. In there, there were 2 girls aged about Lily. One of them was a brunette with brown eyes while the other had blonde hair and hazel eyes. They were tall, slim, and had very nice curves. They're basically a picture-perfect model. "Oh, hi, Lily! Is this your brother that you brought?" One of the girls asked her. "No no no, this is our contestant." , Lily answered. "Contestant? How old is he? 10? Where did you find him on the side of the road?" said another girl with a mocking voice. The girl then laughed devilishly before Alex said "Actually, I'm 13, almost 14 actually. My birthday's next week.". Lily the explained that she found him at her brother's school, and thought he was cute and would be up for the challenge. Therefore, she decided to bring him here. Of course, everything she said was a complete lie which she said to hide their relationship as siblings. "Oh really? Well, then. I guess you qualified. I'm Courtney" said a girl. "And I'm Brittney. What's your name, boy?" said another girl. Alex then replied with "I'm Alex, nice to meet you.". "I don't think you should have said that to be honest." said Brittney which made Alex even more sceptical to what the show was actually about. Before he could finish the thought, he was guided to the waiting room.

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