Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I could see the familiar trees, the ones that rose up from the forest behind Brooklyn Academy High. The same red lettering that wrote the school's name gave me a nostalgic feeling. I had been sitting on the same bench I had sat on while planning this whole situation. A styrofoam container, resting upon my lap, held a classic hot dog with fried onion.

I planned to visit the students I had been investigating; since I was done with the case now, I figured I would go speak with them one last time. At least, I had hoped so. I finish my hot dog, washing it down with an ice-cold can of pop. It was warm out that day, and a cold drink was much needed. I feel the carbonation send sharp feelings throughout my throat, making it quite painful. However, I still enjoyed the beverage itself. I took it as a message that even though this whole process was not only painful but dreadful, I still enjoyed completing it in the end.

I slowly stroll around the property, headed towards the main doors on the North side of the building, waiting for that ever-so-familiar bell. I look down at my cell phone and check the time. It was 2:45 PM, which meant the bell was scheduled to ring in precisely five minutes. I decided I would just walk inside and speak to the principal before I was to speak to anyone else. I supposed it was the normal thing to do.

The school seemed unchanged, bustling with colorful decorations and signs that had liberal, positive messages on it. It was a stark contrast to the dark secrets that had lurked beneath the surface during my time here. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself before stepping inside the office.

I feel the attention of multiple eyes as I walk into the office. I hadn't been dressed the same way I had been while attending, which explained the staring. I wave to the receptionist as I walk straight toward the principal's office. I wasn't planning to stay here for a while. I hesitated for a moment before knocking softly on the door.

"Come in," came Mr. Johnson's voice from within.

I stepped inside, and the principal looked up from his paperwork, his face lighting up with recognition. "Mr. Armstrong! It's good to see you again. Please, have a seat," he said, motioning to the chair in front of his desk.

I look at him with a warm smile before beginning to speak, "Mr. Johnson, it's so good to see you again– and especially after this whole thing!" I replied, holding out my hand.

"I hope everything has been going well since the incident," Mr. Johnson said, a mix of curiosity and concern in his eyes.

"Yes, things have been settling down," I replied, carefully choosing my words. I couldn't reveal the true purpose of my mission, even to a mere harmless guy like Johnson. "I wanted to come by and personally thank you for your support during my time here. Your help was crucial in ensuring the safety of the students and solving the case." I said, lying through my teeth.

Mr. Johnson nodded, a sense of pride evident in his demeanor. "We all did what we could to cooperate with the investigation. I'm glad we were able to assist you in bringing the culprit to justice." A moment of silence hung in the air, the unsaid words lingering between us. There was an unspoken understanding that some secrets were best left buried, or at least that was what it seemed.

"I hope the students have managed to move past the trauma," I said, attempting to shift the conversation away from my past role.

Mr. Johnson sighed, his expression turning somber. "It's been a challenging time for everyone. The incident left scars on our community, but we're trying our best to heal and move forward."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. I had witnessed firsthand the fear and grief that had gripped the school during my time undercover. To be truthful, the dark side of myself was proud of the mayhem I had caused.

As I stood to take my leave, Mr. Johnson extended his hand. "Thank you again for your service, Mr. Johnson. You played a vital role in bringing closure to a painful chapter in our school's history." It was moments like this I would sometimes feel bad about my past actions. I didn't know how long I would be able to hold the guilt to myself.

I shook his hand firmly, slightly grateful for the respect he showed me, unaware of the secrets that would forever remain hidden between us. "It was an honor to be of help. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out." I said as I walked out of his office.

The bell had rung on perfect timing as soon I was outside of the school office. Some students glanced at me curiously, recognizing me as the 'new student' from a few months ago.

I walked towards the hallways that Lucas and his friends would typically exit through to the main doors. I scan every face the best I can to locate any of my former suspects.

"Charlie!" I hear from a short distance. I could instantly recognize the person the voice had come from.

After being able to lock eyes on Ava and the rest of the trio, I put on my best joyful look and greeted them.

"Ava! Guys! How yall been?" I asked as I shook all of their hands.

At the same time, I get a mixed response of "Hey! What's up?" and "Yoo- what's up?"

I instantly regret returning to this place. 

A Just Cause.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz