Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I sat in the holding cells, recounting the events that occurred which led up to this point. All that would come into my head was Sarge. I couldn't stop arguing with myself if what I had to Sarge was really needed. I think about how Sarge had actually sometimes cared for me, and my thoughts quickly overturn into regret and fear. I closed my eyes, trying to gather my thoughts, but the memories of that night kept haunting me.

It smelt putrid in the giant cell I was sitting calmly in. The cold metal bench against my tailbone sends shivers up my spine. I found myself sitting on a narrow, uncomfortable bench, my hands cuffed and my heart still racing. The dim overhead light flickered intermittently, casting eerie shadows on the gray concrete walls. I knew I had been somewhat of a dangerous individual. However, I was aware that the big guys in these cells would rip me into shreds. Although from what I have noticed from being an officer was that the quiet guys would either get bullied around or just ignored. I hoped I would just be ignored since I was only here for a short period until my trial date. Although I was unsure of exactly how my trial would go, I just needed my lawyer to enforce a search of the Sergeant's vehicle. As long as that would be done, I was sure I could be a free man.

"Let me go to the bathroom!" one of the inmates yelled out, clutching the metal bars so hard, I thought he was close to bending them.

Everything had gone the way I had wanted it to until now, which made me wonder if there was still time that everything could unfold. There aren't many people that are involved in my personal life, even now. The only person I could remember was my father, the man that knew some things that he should've never figured out. I suppose those were the only flaws within my mastery.

I can hear the sounds of the officers' keys jangling against one another as they walk around the area confidently, taking long, stretched steps, asserting their dominance against the criminals. Those officers were the type to never go anywhere in their career; they'll always just be stuck in their own little power trip. One of the officers walked by outside, glancing at me in suspicion. Being able to recognize him from the station, I decided to see if he could help me move into one of the private cells, so I wouldn't have to be stuck inside a dehumanizing cage with a bunch of lowlifes.

Creeping up to the cell bars, I quietly called out to him, trying to get the officer's attention.

"Hey– psst, hey!" I blurted out, "Please, let me just ask you something."

He continued to walk, not responding. However, he began shifting the direction he was walking so he could stay along the bars of the giant cell. I had to make sure that none of the criminals in the holding cell didn't know I was actually a cop, or else things could have gone way more south than it already had.

"Let me out of this cell, please. The private one, just down there– if you transport me there, I'll personally tell you what happened." I whispered, hoping he would fall for the bait. "C'mon man– I know you and everyone in there had already heard- but don't you wanna hear my explanation? I could tell you what kind of person our Sarge really was."

He stood there, suddenly so confused about what to do with himself. His eyes were filled with curiosity. After a short period of contemplating with himself, the officer agrees to help me out. I could tell that not only he believed I was innocent, he was hoping I was. Hope and imagination like that might just get you killed nowadays.

"So you're telling me that Sarge was the one who killed that Julian kid?" he asked after I explained the whole script to his dumb, gullible ears. "But why should I believe anything you're saying though? I mean- you're technically a murderer."

Hearing those words, I pretended to be shocked and offended. I leaned slightly away from the officer as he walked me to the private cell, showing the surprise I felt when he said that. Through the cold hallways of the holding cells, the officer opened another thick metal door, allowing me into a different hallway.

"You realize it was self-defense, right? I just told you, she tried making me do all kinds of messed up shit!" I yelled out, sending echoes down the brick walls all throughout the hallway. "I was just a bit stupid in the beginning since I'm just a rookie, so I was just following orders, but then she started making me take testimonials about the suspects that I didn't even understand what meant!"

"Damn, that's some movie plot right there," he replied. I could tell he was being cautious of if I had really been telling the truth or not, which made me feel better. "To be honest though, pal... I still can't tell if you're telling the truth or not– I mean, for all I know, you could just be a psychopath and fool your way out of here. But whatever it is, we're all paying attention back at the station." he finished by raising one eyebrow at me. I suppose he was trying to be dramatic or something.

"We'll, thanks anyway. From one cop to another." I said as I walked into my private cell. The walls weren't spotless, but they were much cleaner than the ones before. The seating had some cushioning as well, which was very nice for someone who all they could do was sit around. "Hey, you're gonna see me out there, you know, back at the station."

He stared blankly, concerned if I was making a threat to him.

"I meant because I'm an innocent man," I said, quietly laughing.

"I sure hope you are, pal."

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