Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It's been just over a week since I've been undercover at Brooklyn Academy High, and making progress has been successful until now. A lot has happened until now, not anything too concerning or essential, but I've gotten to know the suspects a lot more.

Early on in the first week, it was always the same thing, just doing the best of my ability to gather intel on anything I could that was worth it. However, something shifted quickly, and more importantly, it turned the way I wanted it to. As I continued my attempts to become devoted within the suspects' friend group, Ava came as another surprise, being nice enough to slowly allow me in. Of course, I had to feed countless lies to them, making more of an attractive image of myself.

Ava was a completely different person than I had expected her to be; again and again, she would come to my surprise and pull off something I wasn't expecting. Although her action had an impact on my opinions about the investigation, I couldn't let myself be a fool and just give in this easily.

"If you need any help, feel free to ask," the teacher said after giving out her lesson. She walked back to her desk after handing out more worksheets which I didn't have to do. It was the last period, science class.

Lucas turns around, facing towards me, "you heard about the new guy by Mainstreet? The one that sells those switchblades?" he asks.

Out of the blue, Lucas would always bring up topics like this. He was always trying to impress or one-up people in any way possible. That's what made these kids such a bad influence on each other; it was considerably similar to watching a social experiment.

"Nah, but it sounds cool though," I replied, agreeing with his inner thoughts.

"Yeah, it is; this guy bought some crazy-looking ones. I grabbed one myself." he continued, now looking at me with a devious smirk on his face.

Interesting. It wasn't uncommon whatsoever for teenagers to all have something in their pockets now, but this didn't bring any real evidence. However, this may have unlocked an obvious road for me to step in. I had begun to enjoy Lucas's company. As he and I became closer, he has gotten real comfortable around me already. Not just Lucas, but Teddy and Ava as well. There was another suspect, Matteo, but he was a no-show. Haven't seen him during the time I was here, although I heard quite a fair bit about him. The group glorified Matteo, since he was everything the rest of them wanted to be, but was too afraid to be. They had explained to me how Matteo was such a good friend, and how they admired the way he didn't give a second guess to anything. This caused him to be careless and just happy as a person. Although this was sweet to hear, I genuinely couldn't care less. Sarge had explained that she had opened a separate section of the case, just directed towards Matteo since he hadn't been attending school regularly. This sounded good to me, since it was just narrowing it down for me.

"Let me see that later; I've been trying to get myself a new one, matter of fact," I lied. By this point, nothing about Carl was true, as I have now mastered what I call the art of having two faces. I might've had more; I didn't really care to keep track, though.

As Lucas heard those words, he turned his body towards me even more, now making his body parallel with mine.

"What do you need it for, Carl?" he said in a teasing tone. His face had now formed a smirk, almost just giggling at his own pathetic little joke.

"Oh, I don't know, just stabbing people, ya know," I said back in a sarcastic tone.

He chuckles, "I wouldn't have expected that from you, buddy," he finishes, turning around to continue his little doodles.

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